設計就是從小盒子玩到大盒子Design from little box to big box.

獎項百科 Awards.com


Vindheim is located in Norway, a 55 square meter bungalow. It’s a cottage designed by the architecture studio Vardehaugen, hidden in the depths of the forest and it shows the independent and natural atmosphere.

經典品牌 Classic Brand


Tradition and authenticity enliven a collection of classical furnishings with powerful contemporary traits. Handcrafting expertise, exclusive details and precious materials characterise Maxalto’s pieces for sophisticated interior décor projects.

得獎名師 Designer


Norman Foster became the 21st Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate and In 1999 became The Lord Foster of Thames Bank.

獎項索引 Awards Index

Offhand Practice室內建築設計事務所、袁願,聶璇在上海以洞穴為概念的作品。

Offhand Practice Interior Architecture Design Office, Yuan Yuan, and Nie Xuan’s cave-concept works in Shanghai.

旅行 Travel



Located in the town of Cammarata in Sicily, Italy, it has a strong historical atmosphere. The ancient and elegant stone-brick bungalows and the surrounding natural scenery seem like form a painting in an art gallery.

經典豪宅 Mansion



Ziren designed “Yalinxi Villa”, presenting elegant and classical romantic characteristics.

藝術 Art



Thordis Adalsteinsdottir is no doubt one of most important contemporary artists.

空間 Space

日本知名建築師高田浩一KoichiTkada在卡達國家博物館(Nationa Musem f tr設計的品店,高壯的流線型造面映入眼簾·置身其中,仿得遁入永恒的空間·


The gift shop is designed by the Japanese architect Koichi Takada at the National Museum of Qatar. The towering and walls make you feel like you are escaping into
an eternal space

講堂 Lecture

San Rocco Church保有教堂的功能以外,同時將其改造成永久家院和多功能康。


San Rocco Church retains the functions of itself while transforming it into a theater and multi-purpose hall.

出版 Publish

深圳Studio 10設計所打造廣西桂林江旁的酒店,從類色與建築線條發揮簡單的極致。


henzhen Studio 10 designed a hotel next to Lijiang, Guangxi, take the color and architectural lines to the extreme.

獎項新訊 Awards News

繞著山光水色的居所空間,VIPP打造了一處遁世離群的幽居。by Morten Bo Jensen


Surrounded by the mountains and rivers, VIPP has created a secluded residence. Designer: Morten Bo Jensen

得獎報導 Reports



EightRavines is a development project in the Pacific Ocean, and each 16 architects built a weekend house.

專欄 Column

丹麥設計品牌VIPP打造了一處遁世離群的幽居,並以回歸人類基礎生存需求為初衷概念,即為「shelter庇護所」的含義,由丹麥設計師Morten Bo Jensen設計完成。


The Danish design brand VIPP created a resort away from the world, the style is returned to the basic survival needs and seeking for the original concept “shelter”, designed by Morten Bo Jensen.