競逐是一場對自己永無止境的期許 ! 每個階段都為自己創造了一個里程碑。
身為全球最權威、最專業、歷史最悠久的獎項顧問團隊及獎項代辦公司,為更深切服務我們的客戶,設計盒子 DESIGN BOX 幾近囊括地整理出國際各大知名獎項,只為讓各行業的專業領域設計師們,對獎項有更多的認知,透過我們的服務,站上世界舞台。
報名諮詢服務專線: 02-2571-2565, 行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)
As the world’s most authoritative, professional, and oldest awards consultant team and awards-agency company, in order to serve our customers more profoundly, DESIGN BOX has encapsulated the most well-known international renowned awards, for the Designers in the professional field have more awareness of the awards to stand out and widen their perspective and horizon on a higher level through our services.

The picture are taken from the official awards websites