台北 謝德信設計

F. 02-27997753
我熱愛建築與設計。 我喜歡建築跟空間設計,以及我想學習更多跟設計有關的知識,再來我的興趣有很多例如畫畫看小說聽音樂觀賞一些特殊的藝術展覽,我現在在學習有關建築以及空間設計相關的事物,為什麼要學習建築?因為我喜歡看那些有趣的建築也喜歡自己天馬行空的想一些特殊造型,也會想把它設計出來分享給每個人看,高一獲得一張美術佳作的獎狀。
I am a high school student. I’m very passionate about architecture and design. I like architecture and space design, it’s my passion and I’d love to learn more knowledge about it. I have a lot of hobbies and interests, such as painting, sporting, reading novels, listening to music, watching some unique art exhibitions. I am now learning some architecture and space design-related things. Why would I like to study architecture? Because I like to see those interesting buildings, think about some special structures in my own way and try to design them and share them with everyone. I won a certificate of fine art in my first year of high school. I’m also into sports. I got the first and second taekwondo certificates before my freshman year in senior high school.
2021 法國NDA 銅獎
2020 美國MUSE銀獎