

國際營養原料獎-亞洲賽區 NutraIngredients-Asia Awards

服務費每案:NTD 63000元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)


2024年是 NutraIngredients-Asia Awards 創辦的第七年,該獎項旨在表彰保健食品和功能性食品領域的卓越表現。獎項涵蓋營養和膳食補充品領域內原料、成品、公司、個人和倡議方面的傑出成就,提供 16 個行業類別供參賽,主題比以往更加多樣化,為每一個參賽者提供更多機會。
該獎項由 nutraingredients-asia.com 主辦,並得到了傑出的獨立評審團的支持,是展示您的辛勤工作和對卓越承諾的絕佳平台。
贏得享有盛譽的 NutraIngredients-Asia Award 將使您的公司在競爭中脫穎而出。這將提升您公司、品牌和產品的可信度和知名度,從而吸引更多新客戶和員工。

The 2024 NutraIngredients-Asia Awards return for a 7th year, to celebrate excellence in the dietary supplements and functional food sectors. Recognising outstanding achievements in ingredients, finished products, companies, individuals, and initiatives within the nutrition and dietary supplements sector, the awards offer 16 industry categories to enter, which cover a more diverse topic than ever before, giving every opportunity to participate.
Owned and organised by nutraingredients-asia.com, and supported by a stellar panel of independent judges, the awards are a great way to demonstrate your hard work and commitment to excellence.
Winning a prestigious NutraIngredients-Asia Award makes your company shine and sets it apart from the competition. It can raise the credibility and visibility of your company, brand and products. This can in return draw new customers and employees to your business.



報名截止:2024/7/1, 報名費199美金

圖片出自獎項官網 Images are from the official awards website

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)