

荷蘭全球純粹品味評鑑 A.A. TASTE AWARDS

服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)


荷蘭A.A. Taste Award全球純粹品味評鑑旨在表彰致力於提供無添加劑的食品和飲料製造商。該獎項的候選人專注於提供高品質、健康且美味的產品。A.A. Taste Award通過這個獎項,激勵業界的卓越者,並推動建立更自覺和負責的食品體系。

A.A.無添加組織Anti Additive Clean Label Organization於2013年成立於荷蘭,是一家致力於推動無添加劑食品供應的非營利機構。透過提供教育和資源,我們協助消費者及餐廳業者推動變革,旨在建立對人類和環境更具可持續性的食品系統。 我們相信,每個人都應有權選擇是否食用食品添加劑,並能夠做出明智的決定。我們與來自全球各行各業的技術及傳播顧問組成協作網絡,充當消費者的眼睛和耳朵,協助他們選擇更健康的食品。

The A.A. Taste Awards were established to recognize food and beverage manufacturers dedicated to providing an additive-free food supply. The candidates for this award focus on delivering quality, healthy, and delicious food. The A.A. Taste Awards serve as an incentive for excellence and call for a more conscious food system. Founded in 2013 in the Netherlands, the Anti Additive Clean Label Organization is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a no additive food supply, improving the health of people and the environment by educating and providing resources for consumers and restaurant owners interested in driving change to a more sustainable food system. We believe that everyone deserves an informed choice about whether to consume food additives. Working with a collaborative network of technical and communications advisers from all backgrounds and sectors worldwide, we serve as the eyes and ears of consumers to help them make good food choices.


Liquor 酒類(主要包含釀造酒Fermented Alcoholic Beverage、蒸餾酒精飲料/蒸餾酒Distilled Alcoholic Beverage、復合酒精飲料


Compounded Alcoholic Beverage/ Compounded Spirit)

Halal Plus清真食品


Nutrition 保健食品

報名截止: 2024/6月,報名費1300歐元

圖片出自獎項官網 Images are from the official awards website

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)