
設計就是從小盒子玩到大盒子Design from little box to big box.

熱銷建案 Hot sale projects

元利建設-信義聯勤建築由普立茲克得主羅傑斯史達克哈伯建築事務所,公設為英國Kelly Hoppe所設計。為台灣首都地標性豪邸,雙塔般建築以微高低差的錯落感展現其韻律。可遠眺宅邸前大安森林公園的森景綠意,靜態可隨時於住家陽台感受自然的美好,動則可鄰近快速踏入大自然中讚嘆四季景緻,享大地之美。 YUAN LIH CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD One park was designed by Pritzker winner Rogers Starkharber Architects Kelly Hoppe in the UK. It is a landmark mansion, a twin tower-like building and shows its rhythm with a touch of scattered heights in Taipei. Overlook the greenery of the Da’an Forest Park in front of the mansion, feeling like step into the nature to admire the beauty four seasons.

廚具 Kitchen

Cove Kitchen/Zaha Hadid,Boffi創始於1934年,由手藝精湛的工匠大師Piero Boffi先生創立,專注於對靈感和品質的汲取,繼承著義大利所獨有的「匠心」手工情懷,在櫥櫃、衛浴與衣櫃三大領域都聲名顯赫。 Cove Kitchen/Zaha Hadid, Boffi was founded in 1934 by Mr. Piero Boffi, an craftsman, focusing on inspiration and quality, inheriting Italy’s unique “ingenuity” craftsmanship. The three major areas of wardrobe and wardrobe are well-known.

衛浴 Bathroom

1973年以來,Agape一直站在浴室建築的最前沿。在獨特的360度視角中,時間,光線,形狀,材料和溫度成為精心設計的產品和量身定制的服務,將浴室體驗提升到一個新高度。 Since 1973, Agape has been at the forefront of bathroom architecture. In a unique 360-degree perspective, time, light, shape, material and temperature become well-designed products and tailor-made services, elevating the bathroom experience to a new level.

燈光 Lights

SPIN天然原色編籐立燈。Fuhaus 丰巢家居一直站在台灣當代家居設計潮流的前鋒,為追求高品質生活、展現獨特個人品味,提供與歐美同步的多元家具家飾選擇。 SPIN natural color woven rattan standing lamp. Since its establishment, Fuhaus has always been at the forefront of Taiwan’s contemporary home design trends, providing customers who pursue high-quality life and show unique personal tastes, synchronized with Western style.

傢俱 Furniture

ARMANI/CASA- 2018年於米蘭登場的傢俱新作Nielsen三人座沙發。 Armani先生下了一句註解「若建築的工作是佈局架構對稱性的空間,那麼我則是運用美感將之體現於生活。」 ARMANI/CASA- The Nielsen three-seater sofa, a new furniture piece that debuted in Milan in 2018. Mr. Armani commented, “If the work of architecture is to lay out and structure a symmetrical space, then I will use beauty to reflect it in life.”

家電音響 Home appliances

B&W(Bowers & Wilkins)AVANTGARDE(喇叭花)來自德國 ,創立於1991年。其「球面號角」設計使得其喇叭的外觀極其富有藝術氣息,仿佛意見藝術品,散發著濃艷奪目的光彩。 B&W (Bowers & Wilkins) AVANTGARDE (Diamond Flower) comes from Germany and was founded in 1991. Its “spherical horn” design makes the appearance of its horns extremely artistic, like a work of art, exuding dazzling brilliance.

材料 Materials

一磚貿易始於1969,不間斷地將歐洲先進磁磚引進國內,初始理念在於使設計師能夠依心中理想進行設計規劃,並提供消費者同步體驗歐洲的建材與生活方式。 Established in 1969, UNI ceramics has continuously introduced advanced European tile products. Enable designers to design according to their ideals, and to provide consumers with a synchronized experience of European building materials and lifestyle.

時尚精品 Fashion Brands

Louis Vuitton Malletier是法國的一個時尚品牌。由路易·威登於1854年在巴黎創立。成為皮箱與皮件領域數一數二的品牌,如今已經不僅限於設計和出售高檔皮具和箱包,而廣泛涉及很多領域。Louis Vuitton Malletier is a French fashion brand founded in 1854. It has become one of the top brands in the field of leather cases and leather goods. Now its design is not only those high-end bags but also covers many other fields.

錶 Watches

百達翡麗是世界上最古老的鐘表品牌之一,其鐘錶生產歷史自創立起從未間斷。 百達翡麗設計並製造鐘錶產品以及機芯,包括許多世界上最複雜的機械錶。Patek Philippe is one of the oldest watch brands in the world, and its watch production history has never stopped since its inception. Its designs, manufactures and movements, including many of the most complex mechanical watches in the world.

汽車 Cars

賓利汽車是一家發跡於英國的豪華房車和GT車的製造商,是由沃爾特·歐文·賓特利在1919年7月於英格蘭創立。以在第一次世界大戰中製造供應皇家空軍飛機引擎而聞名。Bentley Motors is a manufacturer of luxury motorhomes and GT cars that originated in the UK. Founded by Walter Irving Bentley in July 1919. It’s famous for manufacturing and supplying Royal Air Force aircraft engines in World War I.

居家軟裝 Houseware Decorations

美國GLOBAL VIEWS 1997成立,為裝飾、設計和色彩潮流領域的領頭羊。由中聯發國際代理。US GLOBAL VIEWS was established in 1997. Focuses on global high-end products, space design and a leader in the field of decoration, design and color trends acted by City Mark

酒 Liquor

軒尼詩專門製造干邑白蘭地。如今,軒尼詩已銷售了約5,000萬瓶酒。每年軒尼詩干邑銷量占世界百分之四十以上。Hennessy specializes in making Cognac. Today, has sold about 50 million bottles of wine. Hennessy Cognac sales account for more than 40% of the world every year.

酒 Liquor

約翰走路又譯尊尼獲加,是世界著名的蘇格蘭威士忌品牌,有150多年的歷史,由帝亞吉歐在英國基爾馬諾克的釀酒廠釀造。As known as Johnnie Walker, is a world-famous Scotch whisky brand with a history of more than 150 years, brewed by Diageo in Kilmarnock, England.