台中 上典景觀

S.D. Atelier design & planning
T.04 2358 2227
F.04 2358 5072
No. 2, Yucheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407022, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
吳靜宜 Ching-I Wu
S.D. is co-founded by CHING-I, WU and director FU-CHU, HSU in 1997. With a team consisting of multiple professionals in fields, such as architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design, S.D. aims for the vision to create an innovative spatial experience. S.D. takes the concept of unifying the environment and the intermediary space of the building entity, so that the living environment presents the overall style and harmony. With the foundation of human-human interactive model, S.D. strives to integrate landscape and environment into a state of “entering into the landscape from the green, and into the heart from the scene”, interpreting the changing performance of life in space, and harmoniously corresponds with the architectural form to capture the vicissitude (changing) of time and light and shadow. This approach implements the virtual and real historical field and time memory in an innovative space to strengthen and repair the lost “spirit of place”.S.D.’s landscape service projects include private housing, collective housing, large-scale community housing development, hotels, public landscape spaces, transportation hubs, international terminals, and hospital public institution buildings. In each implementation proposal, many plans are proposed, and these plans are all closely connected with the local environmental life and the humanities, arts and culture. S.D. will consider the impact of the local climate to determine the plan of landscape planting. All planting plans will consider how to match up with the natural ecosystem to create a more diverse ecosystems in the future and provide a sustainable and friendly renewable urban environment.
2022 韓國亞洲設計大獎 1金 1優勝 1優選
2021 美國國際設計大獎IDA 6榮譽獎
2021 英國倫敦傑出房地產大獎OPAL 2優勝 2榮譽獎
2021 美國星火獎SPARK 1銅獎 4優選
2021 倫敦設計大獎 1銀 3優選
2021 美國建築大師獎AMP 2優勝 1特別榮譽獎
2021 美國MUSE 1白金 2金
2021 法國NDA 3金 1銀 1銅
2021 韓國K-Design設計大獎 1金 1入圍
2021 德國iF設計大獎
2021 英國WAF世界建築獎 入圍
2021 美國建築A+設計獎 1優勝 1特別表彰
2021 義大利A’Design Awards 1 白金 4銀 1銅
2021 德國紅點產品設計獎 紅點獎
2021 美國MUSE設計獎 2白金 3 銀
2021 法國NDA 1銀 3金 1 銅
2020 義大利A’Design設計獎 1金 3銀 5銅 2入圍
2020 新加坡SIDA設計獎 1銅 2銀
2020 美國Spark設計獎 3銀 1金
2020 日本Good Design 2 設計獎
2020 雪梨設計獎 2金 2銀
2020 法國NDA設計獎 5金 1銀
2020 美國MUSE設計獎 1白金獎 5金