集艾設計- 黃全
接待櫃台兩側高聳入頂之牆柱,與層疊書架相襯,象徵著中國文化中詩書傳家之形象風範。俐落的結構,如有序的城市建築,勾勒出靈動寫意的山城大景。接待櫃台後向下流動的水景幕牆,為大型裝置藝術 “峰起”,取義於重慶特有的兩江匯流入群山之象。壯觀流洩滿載的藍綠琉璃,在燈射下質地透著熠熠閃光滿佈於空景,輔以整廳的步移景異,甫如入月宮般的晶瑩心曠。
The capacity encompassing thousands of rivers; the affection telling the fond attachment to the nature; the culture nurturing the oriental legacy; the lofty enthusiasm accomplishing the spectacular scenery.
Chongqing City, where the junction of countless rivers and mountain, has left to the world the magnificent gift of nature. As the local landscape on the hillside, the 5,000-ping building enjoys the great view whereabouts. The walls connecting the ceiling and floor on either side of the reception counter symbolize the spirit of the traditional Chinese literati. The well-organized architectural structure figuratively illustrates the artistic scenery of landscape painting. Adorned on the wall surface behind the counter, the large installation art “Mountains” aesthetically explains the rivers assembling by the mountains. Suspending from the ceiling, the blue-and-green colored glass lustering under the illuminations decoratively signals the glitzing stars, which are distinguishingly splendid as if the moon palace in myths.
Inspired from the idea shanshui city, the designer reconstitutes the elements of oriental culture that meets the requirement of traditional Chinese aesthetics. Focusing on the meeting area, the layout of design plan integrates the functionalities including recreation, exhibition, meeting, scenic view, etc. that the philosophy “view changes following steps” has filled the indoor space with vivid oriental atmospher
Advising the idea of “working at a boutique hotel”, the designer creates a fashioned and elegant working space by integrating the luxurious atmosphere in hotel and comfortable environment. Taking advantage of the sunny and greenery surrounding environment, the designer uses glass to separate space, the design displaying the characteristic of glass box. Furthermore, the cultivation of diverse plants is soothing and relaxing.
At the hall, the reception counter is furnished with antique copper stainless steel and Shangri-La marble. With lighting reflections, the wall adorned with crystal blocks manifests futuristic style. The application of exquisite mosaic process, on the acrylic lighting panels, fills the space with the atmosphere of advanced technology future. By announcing the principle of humanitarian working conditions, the designer specifically builds up the recreation rooms and resting rooms available for staffs. The recreation rooms consist of the services including drinking, resting, reading, meeting, bar, etc. The staffs can make personal phone calls, rest, change clothes, check personal belongings, read, and breath oxygen.
Furnished with stainless steel, the LED ceilings signify magnificent working space. Working at the offices equipped with hardware and switchable glass, people can complete more assignments and works.
