女人的溫柔與堅毅,從擁抱Hygge Life 開始。Hug the hygge life,這句名言就刻在主臥室,早起迎接新的一天便入眼簾。Hygge源自於丹麥文,指當一個人能夠感受平凡當下的驚喜。設計師以這個理念塑造女性創新小宅,強調能夠擁抱當下感動的女人既溫柔且堅毅。
設計師透過客廳的電視牆完整表達設計理念:1/4 的圓代表女性的溫柔,方正的矩形門則有堅定的象徵,外圍的光圈則體現了女人的自信。電視牆的造型結合門板,可以維持房內的隱私不受客廳的干擾。
A woman’s tenderness and perseverance start from hugging the hygge Life. “Hug the hygge life,” this motto is carved in the master bedroom, and it comes to the eyes the second morning welcomes you. “Hygge” is a Danish word that means a person who can seize the surprise in an ordinary moment. The designer creates such innovative small house for a woman based on this concept, emphasizing that a woman who can embrace the touching moment in the present is both tender and persevere.
The designer fully conveys her design principle via the TV wall in the living room: the quarter of a circle means a woman’s tenderness, the square door is her perseverance, and the light on the edge materializes her confidence. Combining the design of TV wall and a door can prevent the privacy in the bedroom from disturbance in the living room.
Usually the TV wall in a house is designed to be large and rectangular. By contrast, the TV wall in this case is made a smaller, white hugging arch that shows female design style, painted with soft latex paint. Calcium silicate board is chosen as the material, which is pest-proof, fire-proof, moisture resistant, and noise-absorbing. Unlike wood materials that contains formaldehyde, calcium silicate board brings no health concerns, and eco-friendly.
The plastering and glass doors and windows are specially designed for spatial division. Large external windows in the living room, study room and master bedroom can soften the light that comes inside, so that the owner can appreciate every moment in life. The plastering is latex paint that is not allergic. The painting of living room is milk-tea-colored, and the study room, light green. A frosted glass door is designed between the two spaces. The kitchen, on the other hand, has brilliant colors. The refrigerator is bright yellow, and the partition is corduroy door, which delights people every time they pull the door. For the exterior, the designer uses blinds to soften the natural light. For the internal, on the other hand, the designer uses different glass divisions to change the space as well as the mood.
