Architecture and Poetry
我熱愛建築與設計,我用模型來表達我理想中的未來空間的一個概念。這是一個咖啡廳,整體外型採用我從小喜歡的科幻世界的想像,像一個戰艦,又像金剛,外觀線條是以樹為林的概念,樹影幢幢如風搖曳,我想像置身其中的時候,科幻與自然重疊,而我長大以後,可以在我自己設計的空間裡,獲得更多的設計靈感。這是一個概念模型,我希望在有可能的未來裡,我能在某個城市裏,實際完成這個作品,到時候整體色彩仍然會以黑色為主,而我希望加上綠色的線條,讓置身此咖啡廳的消費者有科幻與大自然的童趣。本案與一般咖啡廳最大的差異在於不以商業利益為主,座位規劃偏少,讓置身此咖啡廳的消費者不會過於擁擠,在明亮、通透的空間裡,享受陽光灑下的自然光影,搭配著恍如樹林的建築,享受一杯純美的咖啡,真正獲得心靈的滿足。 而我使用的建築材料,必須是環保與節能的素材。未來,我想做一個合格且優秀的建築師,愛護地球與大自然,改善客戶的居家環境,改善土地、永續建築與環保,是我未來的願望,也是我想為地球盡的一份心力。
I am a high school student. I’m very passionate about architecture and design. I use this model to express the concept of my ideal future space.This is a coffee shop. The overall outline structures adopt the imagination of the sci-fi world that I have liked since childhood. It looks like a battleship and a King Kong at the same time. The appearance lines are based on the concept of trees as forests. The shadows of the trees are swaying like the wind. Science fiction overlaps with nature, as when I grow older, I can get more design inspirations in the space I’m designing. This is a conceptual model. I hope that in the possible future, I can actually complete this work in a certain city. When the time comes, the overall color will still be mainly black, and I hope to add green lines to make the consumers of this coffee shop to experience the fun of science fiction and nature well-balanced together.
The biggest difference between this case and an ordinary coffee shop is that it does not focus on commercial benefits and has less seating planning, so that customers in this coffee shop will not be overcrowded. They can enjoy the natural light and shadow of the sun in a bright and transparent space. Paired with a building that looks like a jungle in a city, enjoying a cup of nice newly-brewed coffee, wholesomely get the spiritual satisfaction in this environment.
The building materials I use must be environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Soon, I would like to be a qualified and excellent architect who cherishes the only earth we have, improves the environment and the land, has sustainable construction in mind and be a part of the environmental protection while designing the things I love. This is my ambition for the future and my contribution to the society.
