大易設計- 邱春瑞
當今設計的創新需要從當地的文化性開始思考。正因為設計的過程中受到了在地化的影響,從中提取屬於當地文化自然的元素,才能產生不一樣的文化面貌,也才使得設計變得有差異化。” 成都海泉灣,位於成都東北部有天府花園水城之美稱的金堂縣,距成都市中心直線距離約35千米,毗鄰鐵人三項國際賽場,交通便利,生態環境優越。
本案為文旅地產項目,由溫泉酒店、別墅區和高層區組成, 在項目開放時作為銷售中心,用於展示、接待和辦公。設計主體為一棟兩層現代簡約建築,身處白馬湖腹地,三面環水,因地形起伏,水岸與湖面有一定的落差,採用多層次退台親水式的建築手法,外牆採用全景式玻璃幕牆圍合。
《園冶》裡記,“榭者,藉也。籍景而成者也,或水邊,或花畔,制亦隨態。”順地就勢,依水而建的建築頗有《園冶》中水榭的意味,一半在湖岸,一半在水上, 四面都開敞著,很通透,往東可遠眺龍泉山脈朦朧的山景,西南可看蜿蜒的北河水景。山間朝暮,佳木繁陰,來往行人,還有月光和花香,以及大宇宙的光景,都可以在這裡看到,“坐觀萬景得天全”說的興許就是這般景緻。兩層建築根據樓層劃分了不同的功能區域,一樓為會所,擁有多種業態形式,包括閱讀區、健身區、親子互動以及餐飲等休閒娛樂功能;二樓為沙盤模型區、洽談區、簽約區和辦公區等展示中心功能。
室外遠處山峰漸隱,近處山溪潺潺,水畔嘉木蔥蘢,室內隔斷運用藝術玻璃展現出峰巒疊嶂的挺拔與俊秀,煙雲繚繞間一重重落地格柵屏風佈局對稱,遞進產生秩序之美,增強空間進深感,從功能上做到隱藏空間立柱,同時營造出圍合庭院層層院落的大方雍容之意境; 一層和二層空間採用層疊式矩形旋轉階梯銜接,造型樸拙雄渾又不乏靈氣,既與空間元素上下呼應,又如同李白曾做詩:“蜀道難,難於上青天”般,營造出一種不可凌越的磅礴氣勢。
“The innovation of current design needs to gain inspiration from local culture feature. Due to the influence of localization, the design extract elements of local culture, which could make the design unique from others.”Chengdu Ocean Spring is located on the Jingtang county, the northeast of Chengdu, which earn the water city in Tianfu Garden. It is about 35 kilometers from the center of Chengdu, and is adjacent to the triathlon international arena, with convenient transportation and excellent ecological environment.
This project belongs to the Culture-tourism project, composed of Spa hotels, Villas, High rise zone. On the initial stage of project, it is mainly as the sales center for showing, reception and business. The main design body is a modern simple building with two floors. Built in the hinterland of white horse lake, surrounded by s sides water, due to the terrain fluctuation, there is a gap between the water bank and the lake, the designer adopt a multilayer retreat of architecture and close -water method, The exterior wall is enclosed with a panoramic glass curtain wall.
Ji Cheng’s “Art of Garden-Building” includes rich aesthetic concepts of garden-making. The whole building is very similar to the scenary of this book, Half building on the shore, half on the water, with all sides open, very transparent, to the east visitors can overlook longquan mountains hazy mountain scenery, to the southwest , visitors could enjoy the winding north river scenery.. Twilight of mountain, beautiful trees and shade, people, moonlight, flowers as well as the scene of universe, all of them could be seen here. Maybe it is the view of “Sit here and see all things” . The two floors are divided into different functional areas accordingly. The first floor is a club, with a variety of trade form including reading area, fitness area, parent-child interaction area, catering and other leisure and entertainment functions zone. The main function of the second floor is for showing, which including the sand tray model area, negotiation area, signing area and office area for business.
Designers always adhere to the “interior design is an extension of the architectural design”, discarding too many decorative furnishings, combining with the overall environment of the building, integrating into the local culture to form differentiation of design. The designer use “Shu Mountain Traveling Map”as the concept, extracting cloud, mountain, water, stone element for indoor design, and adopt romanticism expression method. After purification of the flowing layer view of abstraction, it is visualised for interior architecture design.
In the distance, the mountains are hidden; and the stream is murmuring nearby, surrounded with clean water and green tree. Interior division adopt art glass to show the beauty of mountainous overlapping scenery. The Symmetrical layout of abundant ground grilles are arranged in a wreathing mists world, Progress produces the beauty of order and also strength the deepness of zone. Furthermore, it conceals the column of space, and to create a graceful atmosphere of the enclosed courtyard.
