



天地壁,用色彩為空間定調。暗褐木地板鋪陳一片溫馨與寧靜;深藍色天花及橫樑展現獨特的知性;純白與米色的立面,凸顯了「人才是主角」的設定。極簡主牆,變化豐富又體貼長排吊櫃從玄關延續至窗邊。背景越單純,越能彰顯生活情境。這對夫妻認為跟對方互動會比看電視更重要,但仍貼心為偶訪的親友在客廳裝設電視。可隨時收藏或露出電視機的櫃牆,用巴士拉門來維持表面平整。 吊櫃下方的深色凹槽,藉造型來化解大片白牆的單調、沈悶,深色材質讓地坪有了延伸感、進而放大空間,凹入處同時形成讓屋主隨心玩布置的展示檯。素面石牆,遠觀近看各不同,純白木作櫃牆的另一側為石牆,化石型大理石處理成鑿面,不炫光的牆表藉由垂直光溝來溫柔洗出豐富質地。



He adores tidiness, she loves sweet nature. He wants to have private corners yet be able to feel her figure; she likes to cook for him the taste of family at her own pace. The differences of thoughts are just like the distance from Mars to Venus.…So, make a simple and unadorned space to include all little affairs in everyday life! Heaven, earth and walls, using colours to set the tone for the space. Dark brown wood floor spreads out in the warm and quiet; dark blue ceiling and beam show unique intellectuality; and pure white and beige facades highlight the setting of “People are the major roles”.


Varied and considerate minimal main walls. A long line of suspended cabinets extends from vestibule to the window. The more simple background reveals life situation more. The couple thinks interacting with the other is more important than watching TV, still they considerably install one TV set in living room for relatives and friends visiting occasionally. The cabinet wall can conceal or reveal TV set at any time, maintaining its flat surface with bus sliding doors. The dark recess below the suspended cabinets solves the monotonous and dull of large white wall through modeling. The dark material brings outspread feeling for the floor, further enlarges the space. The recess forms at the same time a platform at the owner’s disposal. Plain stone wall, differing from a distance or closerThe other side of pure white wood cabinets is a stone wall, Fossil marble is processed into a tooled surface, Unrefined wall surface gently outpours rich texture by a vertical light groove.


It is a very quiet plain wall from a distance; from closer many ancient marine fossils are tirelessly telling the magic of nature. Linear ceiling, creating an illusion deep feeling. The original ceiling is painted in dark blue, lines of unequivalent long calcium silicate boards are hanged below. Look at the hollow shaped ceiling from a distance, grooves are like blue lines, accumulating the strength of unfolding; further letting the deep feeling of space significantly go beyond the actual depth. Through grooves the original ceiling is vaguely visible. Many embedded lights are hidden here to make the whole space even cleaner, The height of the original house can be seen, visual perception is no longer repressed. A Chinese phonetic alphabet “ㄇ” shape screen wall, feeling the other half at any timeDefine the semi-open study with a Chinese phonetic alphabet “ㄇ” shape screen wall. Partition without cutting off, it is a great vessel to hold the space scale continuously. Blocking without keeping out, the couple keeps a safe distance, still can have intimate feelingsSmooth moving lines, enjoying meals together at ease From refrigerator, kitchen island to stoves, ingredients become food with love in a turn-around instant. Kitchen island and the table are at the same axis, from serving dishes to clear the table, thoughtfully the electric door on the way will close automatically. The line without obstacles is the shortest distance!

室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-東方之冠 II|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-東方之冠 II|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-東方之冠 II|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-東方之冠 II|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-東方之冠 II|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-東方之冠 II|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

