The story in the Bible describes Noah’s Ark as a shelter to save Noah’s whole family and animals on the earth., Noah’s Ark symbolizes the salvation from God. The internal space design of Panding Church started from this. On the one hand, the decoration of space was reduced to the bare minimum, important symbols such as Bird, Boat, etc. are used to echo the spatial attributes. Located in the basement, the basic engineering design mainly consisted in solving the problems of echoes and air convection. The second was to solve the tilt of main wall. In regard to soundproof, renewable building materials were set by the designer as main materials in the beginning. Left-material travertine were used, in combination with the form of lath bricks as wall materials. Travertine, fiberboard and chamfered cutting glass effectively reduced echoes. This approach can create economic benefits at cost on the one hand, and meet the owner’s expectation with its simple and green characteristic on the other hand.
As a major symbol, the cross shall be placed in the most recognizable position. However, the wall has a problem of tilt in structure, the design of an arc wall resolved the situation. The light emphasizes the center of gravity position of the cross, making the symbolic meaning of “light” even clearer.
