元利建設-「One Park Taipei信義聯勤」為普立茲克獎建築大師Richard Rogers男爵超越倫敦海德公園一號原創之作,空間規劃設計則邀請到英國皇室、美國總統御用設計師Kelly Hoppe爵士聯手量身訂制,從建築外觀到空間美學都是獨步全球的創新經典。 為台灣首都地標性豪邸,雙塔般建築,並以微高低差的錯落感展現其韻律。可遠眺宅邸前大安森林公園的森景綠意,靜態可隨時於住家陽台感受自然的美好,動則可鄰近快速踏入大自然中讚嘆四季景緻,享大地之美。
YUAN LIH CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD One park was designed by Pritzker winner Richard Rogers, beyond the original London Hyde Park One; the space planning and design invites Kelly Hoppe, the designer of the British royal family and the American president and queen, to make tailor-made. From architectural appearance to space aesthetics, it is a unique innovation classic in the world. It is a landmark mansion, a twin tower-like building and shows its rhythm with a sense of scattered heights in the capital of Taiwan. You can overlook the greenery of the Da’an Forest Park in front of the mansion. Sense the beauty of nature on the balcony in your residence, feels like could quickly step into the nature to admire the four seasons and enjoy the beauty of the earth.