

IAA倫敦設計大獎 IAA London Design Awards

服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)


倫敦設計大獎是一項IAA國際競賽,代表著過去與未來,旨在表彰全球傑出的設計和創意項目。IAA 也代表「啟發、推進、成就」。我們的使命是通過建立新的卓越標準來評估媒體設計、製作和發行的各個方面,以表彰、促進和鼓勵創造力。

INTERNATIONAL AWARDS ASSOCIATE(IAA)的初始目標和使命於2012年確立。經過四年的籌備,IAA在 2016 年成功舉辦了兩場獎項競賽。我們計劃每年舉辦一次新的獎項競賽,以履行我們的使命——成為一個提供設計領域卓越標準及評估並獎勵的媒體平台。通過認可全球創意專業人士的優秀表現,我們可以幫助他們獲得曝光率、工作與銷售機會、擴大客戶群——並通過這樣做將整個行業提升到一個新的水平。



獎項有9大特色類別:建築設計、室內設計、包裝設計、產品設計、概念設計、傳達設計、服務設計、用戶體驗設計(UX)、用戶介面設計(UI)。我們邀請產品設計師、建築師、室內設計師、平面設計師、UX/UI 設計師和任何背景的設計師參與,無論他們是公司、團隊/部門、創新者、製造商、供應商、自由職業者、業餘愛好者還是學生。

A representation of the past and future, the London Design Awards is an international competition that recognises exceptional designs and outstanding creative projects worldwide

IAA also stands for “Inspire, Advance, Achieve.” Our mission is to honor, promote and encourage creativity by establishing new standards of excellence for evaluating all aspects of media design, production and distribution.

IAA’s initial goals and mission were established in 2012. After four years of preparation, IAA successfully conducted two awards competitions in 2016. We plan to introduce a new awards competition annually, in keeping with our mission – to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. By recognizing the excellence of creative professionals worldwide, we can help them gain exposure, job/sales, increase their client bases – and by doing so, raise the whole industry to the next level.

Through the acknowledgment of existing trends that integrate with diverse insights, the London Design Awards reformulates the perspectives of the world towards this unique language, synchronising the great metropolis of London alongside concepts that symbolise excellence.

As the face of the London Awards, LITO serves as a statuette that emanates a strong sense of inexplicability, expressing that design has no definition or limits.

inspiring designers that their creations can be anything they desire, while always recollecting their initial aspirations.

The award has 9 Featured Categories:

Architectural Design,、Interior Design,、Packaging Design、Product Design、Conceptual Design,、Communication Design,、Service Design、User Experience Design (UX)、User Interface Design (UI).

We invite product designers, architects, interior designers, graphic designers, UX / UI designers and any designers of all background to participate, whether they are companies, team / departments, innovators, manufacturers, suppliers, freelancers, hobbyists or students.



早鳥截止:2025/1/23,報名費239美金/1案, 448美金/2案,657美金/3案,866美金/4案
一般截止:2025/3/6, 報名費249美金/1案, 468美金/2案,687美金/3案,906美金/4案
晚鳥截止:2025/4/3,報名費269美金/1案, 508美金/2案,747美金/3案,986美金/4案
最終截止:2025/5/9,報名費279美金/1案, 528美金/2案,777美金/3案,1,026美金/4案

國際獎項報名代辦|倫敦設計大獎 London Design Awards|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
國際獎項報名代辦|倫敦設計大獎 London Design Awards|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
國際獎項報名代辦|倫敦設計大獎 London Design Awards|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
圖片出自獎項官網 Images are from the official awards website

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)
