

唯壹設計-陳錦明、江偉 作品


四層「吾YOUNG」 運動主題街區已成為東城潮人打卡聚集地,匯聚國內外知名運動品牌,是區域體量最大最全的運動街區,設計上選擇原有實體牆一段打造成「網紅」轉運牆,每一顆轉運珠蘊含吉星高照,萬事皆順的寓意,吸引活力青春的少男少女聚集街拍,成為整條街區內無限驚喜與變化的聚合點。
地下一樓東城裡百貨專區,以「花之海」設計理念,打造回歸田園,愛上花海,想你所想的簡約風格空間! 在各個不同區域的空間中設計的多經點位與花海形成整體的造型。結合「花之海」主題打造了一面網紅牆,讓每一個人都會在此駐足拍攝,記錄下最美的那一刻,滿足了自己的網紅打卡夢。


WUYUE PLAZA, located in Feidong Hefei, covers an area of 140,000 square meters. Luzhou, a legendary city with more than one-thousand-year history, is the birthplace of people’s life and culture in thousands-of-years river civilizations. Situated in a blessed place in Luzhou, WUYUE PLAZA impresses people with its design concept derived from the three historical allusions “God of literatures and examinations descended to the earth,” “to quench thirst by looking at plums,” and “Xiaoyaojin.” The modern design skills evolved from the traditional cultures show the interior design styles constructing a unique business property in Feidong Hefei.

Being caring for people, the shopping mall with children’s restrooms and lactation rooms designed with elements of fairy tale and house creates a family atmosphere. On the 4th floor, “I YOUNG” as a sport-theme shopping floor is a popular check-in place, which has numerous top sports brands in the world. This is the biggest sport-shopping place, where a wall is designed into a “internet celebrity” good-fortune wall, on which every bead signifies good luck in everything, thus attracting many young people to take photos here. This area is full of surprises and imaginations. The B1 floor designed on the basis of the design idea “sea of flowers” is constructed into a countryside simple style. The plentiful ornamental displays and the shapes of the sea of flowers are diversely decorated in different areas. Corresponding to the theme of “sea of flowers,” the internet-celebrity wall is the exact place where everyone takes pictures and records the most beautiful moment, fulfilling the dream becoming an internet celebrity.

室內設計|深圳 唯壹設計-合肥肥東吾悅廣場|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|深圳 唯壹設計-合肥肥東吾悅廣場|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|深圳 唯壹設計-合肥肥東吾悅廣場|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|深圳 唯壹設計-合肥肥東吾悅廣場|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

