

集艾設計- 黃全

設計師希望以“在精品酒店裡辦公”的設計概念,結合精品酒店的時尚與尊貴,及充滿人性化舒適氛圍,打造新潮高雅的辦公空間。空間充分利用建築採光及周邊景觀環境,取消一切室內隔牆,完全以玻璃作為隔間劃分,猶如一個個光透的玻璃盒般充滿未來感。並裝飾多樣的植栽綠化,讓空間猶如走進充滿通透光線的極簡森林,光潔亮麗令人心曠神怡。位於門廳右側接待區,檯面由仿古銅拉絲不銹鋼、香格里拉大理石組合,背景牆由厚度不一的水晶體塊打造,通過背面燈光的襯托,整個背景顯出如繽紛的未來感。每個玻璃隔間頂面倒角的亞克力燈光片,加上精緻的鑲嵌工藝,迅速讓空間透出未來的科技感。 暨是以在精品酒店裡辦公的概念來宣揚人性化辦公的人文精神,員工就是入住酒店的客戶,所以特別打造了「員工的生活休息區」與「員工多功能氧艙」。生活休息區融合了行政酒廊、員工休息、茶歇、書吧、討論等功能,通過一體式的吧台把各功能進行整合。多功能氧艙是員工的私屬空間,可作為私人電話、員工休息、更衣、私人儲物、閱讀,甚至提供新鮮氧氣等功能使用。頂面燈光膜結合不銹鋼造型,猶如一頂官帽般的總裁辦公室,象徵些許的權威感。結合最新辦公用途需求,集工作、討論、商談、高層會議等多功能硬體於其中,牆面調光玻璃與多項科技化配備作輔助,使更多的工作需要更轉化為現實。


Advising the idea of “working at a boutique hotel”, the designer creates a fashioned and elegant working space by integrating the luxurious atmosphere in hotel and comfortable environment. Taking advantage of the sunny and greenery surrounding environment, the designer uses glass to separate space, the design displaying the characteristic of glass box. Furthermore, the cultivation of diverse plants is soothing and relaxing.At the hall, the reception counter is furnished with antique copper stainless steel and Shangri-La marble. With lighting reflections, the wall adorned with crystal blocks manifests futuristic style. The application of exquisite mosaic process, on the acrylic lighting panels, fills the space with the atmosphere of advanced technology future. By announcing the principle of humanitarian working conditions, the designer specifically builds up the recreation rooms and resting rooms available for staffs. The recreation rooms consist of the services including drinking, resting, reading, meeting, bar, etc. The staffs can make personal phone calls, rest, change clothes, check personal belongings, read, and breath oxygen. Furnished with stainless steel, the LED ceilings signify magnificent working space. Working at the offices equipped with hardware and switchable glass, people can complete more assignments and works.

室內設計|上海集艾設計-未來感的森林系|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海集艾設計-未來感的森林系|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海集艾設計-未來感的森林系|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海集艾設計-未來感的森林系|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海集艾設計-未來感的森林系|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海集艾設計-未來感的森林系|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
