

石蓋建築 – 溫少強










員工休息區強調舒適,卡拉拉白配搭粗曠水泥呈協調混搭。拉下象徵黽眼睛部位的窗戶簾幕,可以看電影,感受好音質,坐於設計師品牌Poltrona Frau、Archibald King、ligne roset、Kartell等沙發或坐椅,享受當下舒適價值。此區配置有吧檯、餐區、互動間、畫室等使休憩時光更多元。


To present the idea into the architecture that the universal elements, including sun, air, plant and water breeding nature, the designer figuratively integrates the biological features of gerridae with the local civilization that transforms into the architectural framework, which implies the secured happiness as the fortress protecting the family.


The smooth design layout guarantees the sufficient sunlight in the house. The building adorned with plants and pools emphasizes the conception of green building full of ingenious design skills.


The exposed concrete walls, with the decorations of rocks and logs, display distinguishing charms. The design plan advocates equally the qualities of both roughness and delicacy. The designer indicates that the importance of visual harmony, of which the space characteristics are cozy and the object styles are moderate.


Influenced from the siheyuan, the Japanese-style dining area decorated with cypress contrasts harmoniously with the western kitchen. The designer skillfully alleviates the significant differences between these two spaces by mixing black with wooden colors, which represents the great example of merging elegancy with roughness. The agreeable interaction between the two distinctive design elements creates exquisite visual effects in the meantime.


The staff resting area ornamented with carrara white and concrete extraordinarily manifests the cordial mixing-and-matching style as well. Closing the windows that symbolize the gerridae eyes, the staff can have a good time seeing movies or resting. The lounges and chairs, in the designer brands Poltrona Frau, Archibald King, ligne roset, Kartel, etc., make sitting of a great pleasure. Furthermore, this area available for drinking, eating, playing, painting, etc. has made the recess joyful.

室內設計|臺南 石蓋建築-石蓋建築事務所-水黽|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺南 石蓋建築-石蓋建築事務所-水黽|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺南 石蓋建築-石蓋建築事務所-水黽|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺南 石蓋建築-石蓋建築事務所-水黽|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺南 石蓋建築-石蓋建築事務所-水黽|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺南 石蓋建築-石蓋建築事務所-水黽|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

