澤序設計- 張于廷
別墅一樓共由偌大的客廳、左方品茗區、和後方的長型餐廳組成。一入玄關,方形寬大的客廳在眼前展開,與明亮的黑色大理石地面相呼應。客廳中間以沈穩內斂的灰白花紋織品地毯為底,兩方正的白色大理石桌為中心,周圍以質感高級的義大利Poltrona Frau扶手椅跟沙發環繞。客廳兩側以大理石、深褐色為隔間,將寬敞的客廳跟其他活動空間,高雅地區分開來。Baccarat優雅精緻的水晶燈在上方流瀉而下,如同活潑生動的水流瀑布,為客廳穩重的裝潢色調,增添一處奔放的豐富意象。大理石隔牆上懸掛電視,下方設置的水霧蒸氣壁爐則替石面的高冷添上一點暖意。
This project is located in the villa in Taichung. The design focuses on a luxurious, magnificent space. With vivid texture and natural black marble as the base, a prosperous water flow is created. With gentle and elegant color selection, marble compartments, wooden materials and high-end leather furniture, create a peaceful atmosphere. The ceiling uses arc geometric ingenuity to create more interesting and natural indirect lighting. With gorgeous crystal chandeliers, the high-rise space is worth savoring from bottom to top.
The first floor of the villa is composed of a huge living room, a tea-tasting area on the left, and a long dining room at the back. As soon as entering the entrance hall, the square and spacious living room unfolds in front of our eyes, echoing the bright black marble floor. In the middle of the living room, the calm and restrained gray-white pattern fabric carpet is the base, and the two square white marble tables are the center, surrounded by high-quality Italian Poltrona Frau armchairs and sofas. Marble and dark brown compartments are used on both sides of the living room to distinguish the spacious living room from other activity spaces. Baccarat’s elegant and exquisite crystal lamps flow down from above, like a lively waterfall, adding a rich and unrestrained image to the steady decor of the living room. A TV is hung on the marble partition wall, and the water mist steam fireplace set below adds a little warmth to the coldness of the stone surface.
The tea tasting area is located in the corner of the floor, with long arc tables and chairs, with large windows on both sides, a warm and comfortable atmosphere, so that the experience of making tea and tasting tea is clear and comfortable, and could also enjoy the greenery and scenery outside the window at the same time. Next to the tea tasting area is the curvilinear staircase that follows the trend, using dark wood to create upright, winding and stable handrails. The two sides of the handrails are cleverly set with lights in the gaps to make the route bright and clear.
The kitchen is divided into metal, titanium-plated iron parts and marble walls. The open metal shelf can be used to place artworks or store tableware supplies. The long kitchen space is centered on a large off-white round table, surrounded by cooking places, low-temperature storage areas, and so on. There are floor-to-ceiling windows on the side to introduce natural light into the room, which makes the atmosphere brighter and livelier, and also writes the most suitable footnote for the elegant atmosphere in this space.
