

國際獎項報名代辦|英國Andrew Martin國際室內設計獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
英國安德馬丁年度室內設計獎 Andrew Martin Interior Designer of the Year Award

服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)


源於英國,1996年由Martin Waller先生創立。有別於其它國際獎項,大獎的評審團由英國王室貴族、專欄作家、好萊塢明星、銀行家、時裝設計師等社會各行業精英人士組成。獨特的視角和評審機制讓大獎具有無可比擬的社會代表性、公正性和權威性。大獎被美國《TIME 時代》、英國《The Times 泰晤士報》、BBC等國際主流媒體譽為室内設計界的“奥斯卡”,每年都吸引了全世界各地設計的踴躍参與。不論國際設計大師,還是行業新銳,都在大獎的平台上獲得了國際主流生活圈的認可,赢得了國際聲譽,並進行了國際間高層次的設計交流合作。2006年大獎被正式引入中國(含香港、台灣),得到了持續穩定的推廣。越来越多的華人設計師積極参與,並通過大獎向世界展示了中國設計的魅力。中國設計以自己獨特的設計語境和表現手法,在Andrew Martin國際室内設計大獎中取得了廣泛認可。

Originated in the United Kingdom, it was founded in 1996 by Mr. Martin Waller. Different from other international awards, the jury of the award is composed of elites from various sectors of the society, such as the British royal family, columnists, Hollywood stars, bankers, fashion designers and so on. The unique perspective and judging mechanism make the awards have unparalleled social representation, fairness and authority. The grand prize is hailed as the “Oscar” of the interior design industry by the international mainstream media such as “TIME” in the United States, “The Times” in the United Kingdom, and the BBC. Every year, it attracts the active participation of design from all over the world. Regardless of international design masters or industry newcomers, they have been recognized by the international mainstream life circle on the platform of the award, won an international reputation, and conducted high-level international design exchange and cooperation.
In 2006, the grand prize was officially introduced into China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), and was continuously promoted. More and more Chinese designers are actively participating and show the world the charm of Chinese design through awards. China Design has won wide recognition in the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards with its own unique design context and expression.
Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards was founded in 1996 and has been successfully holding for 24 years. It is the most authoritative award for the interior design circle. The judging panel of the award includes authorities from politics, business, art, literature, theatre and many other fields, which sets up the unique social influence of the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards. Thanks to the remarkable fairness, authority and public representative, the Awards become an indicator in the interior design and have regarded as the Oscar for the interior design world by the Time, Sunday Times and BBC. The Andrew Martin Interior Design Review book released every year is viewed as the Bible of the interior design world. 


報名截止:2024/12/15, 報名費900 RMB/案

國際獎項報名代辦|英國Andrew Martin國際室內設計獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
國際獎項報名代辦|英國Andrew Martin國際室內設計獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
國際獎項報名代辦|英國Andrew Martin國際室內設計獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
圖片出自獎項官網 Images are from the official awards website

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)