獎項成立於1999年,支持年輕建築師和設計師在其職業生涯的關鍵階段,向全球觀眾推廣其最佳作品。先前的獲獎者包括Shigeru Ban,Rick Joy,Ana Heringer,Sou Fujimoto,Thomas Heatherwick,Neri&Hu,李曉東和Frida Escobedo。得主有10,000英鎊的獎金,入圍者將獲得免費為期三天的世界建築節入場卷(價值1,325歐元),參賽作品將在官網藝廊永久展出。 決賽入選者將於世界建築節親自與舉世聞名的評審團面談 – Marina Tabassum,Massimiliano Fuksas和Matthias Sauerbruch,所有入圍的項目將在11月份的建築評論專刊中發布。決賽入圍者將受邀參加AR編輯團隊,評委和贊助商於柏林舉行的獨家演講晚宴,所有入圍項目將在WAF的AR展台展出。
The award was established in 1999 to support young architects and designers to promote their best works to a global audience at a critical stage in their careers. Previous winners include Shigeru Ban, Rick Joy, Ana Heringer, Sou Fujimoto, Thomas Heatherwick, Neri & Hu, Li Xiaodong and Frida Escobedo.The winner has a prize of £10,000,Finalists will receive a free three-day World Architecture Festival admission ticket (worth 1,325 euros),The entries will be permanently displayed in the official website art gallery.The finalists will meet with the world-famous jury in person at the Berlin World Architecture Festival -Marina Tabassum, Massimiliano Fuksas and Matthias Sauerbruch,All shortlisted projects will be published in the November special issue of architectural reviews,Finalists will be invited to participate in an exclusive speech dinner hosted by the AR editorial team, judges and sponsors in Berlin. All finalists will be exhibited at the WAF’s AR booth.
建築設計項目: 未建案、建案、各類建築設計
空間設計: 建築、室內、城市規劃、房屋、公共建築、室內設計、居住空間、辦公室、工作空間、臨時性建築物、基礎建設、城市規劃拱型建築、橋樑、高架橋和閘道、地標、象徵性結構、紀念堂、公共空間、公園、街景、廣場、行人道、設施、社區規劃和設計
景觀設計項目: 景觀設計、公共、私人景觀設計
概念設計項目: 未建案、想法、草圖、論文等等
報名截止:2024/8/23, 報名費299英鎊
國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)