橋空間- 鄭騰晉
BELLA TAIPA在澳門當地為一相當具有近代殖民風情的意大利料理餐廳,澳門在近代史上曾是葡萄牙的殖民地,建築表皮在因應歷史軌跡略具兩地文化的激盪,產生另出一轍的殖民風情。白牆,小木格窗,白欄杆,小陽台,整齊的門面,建築外貌就如同一個小巧精緻的白色珠寶盒般的,令人玩味。建築外型另增建屋頂看台,讓餐廳多了具創造話題性的空間,看台可俯瞰寧靜而歷史悠久的老氹仔村。建築物除為老屋的翻新外,於視覺上須讓在地經典風情繼續延續,看台的風格期望創造較為現代簡約,卻不與原建築的經典有所衝突,設計師以全白(框與條)且通透(玻璃)等建材,讓整體協調度相當無違和。無論精神奕奕的暖日或甜蜜的夜晚,看台都成建築裡必經之處。
BELLA TAIPA, an Italian restaurant with a notable modernized colonial style in Macao, which was once a Portuguese colony, surely portraits that part of the history in a unique sterling way. The white walls, small wooden windows, white railing, humble balconies and neat facade, all these contribute to the restaurant’s fancy appearance just as a compact and elegant white jewelry box that catches people’s attention right away.The well-used and elaborately designed rooftop gives the restaurant a more versatile space where people feel free to enjoy their moments outdoor while appreciating the tranquil atmosphere of and historic Old Taipa Village. The designer has preserved the classic image of the building with touches of modernism and minimalism without conflicting with the natural classical visual that comes with the original building. The elegant color of white and the playfulness of transparent glass materials are vividly applied to balance the overall building and desirable effect which emphasizes the building throughout day and night.
While entering to the restaurant, a sense of awakening embraces you with a truly diverse and exotic ambience at every corner similar to the fine and exquisite jewelry you would see in a very sophisticated and craftsmanship jewelry box bathed in a South Asia style. The framed patterns from the windows reminds the observer of a kaleidoscope, carved with thousand shades of diamond lattice patterns. The rich colored and outstanding bricks are embellished with a foggy gold wireframe and green leaves as foil, displaying a romantic yet relaxing leisure-like style from other parts of a the world. The indoor is also filled with various warm colors and the surface of the walls is bared with a beige color which shows a lot of character without being smooth as if particles of the walls were lively welcoming the customers to another dimension while their feet touch the ground with a subtle warm wood color.
The decoration of the walls and rooftop is purposely carved with an octagonal plaid and checkered pattern. The color of most of the furniture such as tables and chairs carries a dark walnut chroma. This restaurant clearly exhibits the essence of diversity and a historical side of the city bearing traits from the Portuguese culture, as well as the exotic eastern flavor from the Chinese background polished with a South Asia touch.