金鑰獎是旅館酒店業中最負聲望的設計獎項。更有「飯店服務奧斯卡獎」的美譽。其主辦為「精品設計雜誌」,2022 年競賽有 24 個類別,讓世界各地的設計師有機會在酒店的各個領域展示他們有影響力和創新的設計作品。
The Golden Key Award is the most prestigious design award in the hotel industry. It also has the reputation of “Hotel Service Oscar”. It is hosted by “Boutique Design Magazine”. The 2022 competition has a total of 24 categories, providing designers around the world with the opportunity to showcase their influential and innovative design works in various hotel industries.
獎項類別:室內類,傳達獎, 概念獎
概念- 最佳新興飯店室內設計
報名截止:2024/7/26, 報名費:$225
國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)