JOHNNIE WALKER 的故事是從一位用自己名字為自釀威士忌命名的人開始。
JOHNNIE WALKER 威士忌已遍及 120 個國家,隨著時代的演變,JOHNNIE WALKER 更成為全球文化的一部分:編曲者與電影製作人使其傳頌不朽、社交名流與影視明星都喜愛它、政治人物也喜歡一邊享受 JOHNNIE WALKER,一邊與年度偉大的運動員並肩走路聊天。1934 年 1 月 1 日,John Walker 與兒子共同榮獲國王喬治五世頒發給此威士忌的王室皇家認證。直至今日,我們仍然擁有這份皇家認證的無上榮耀。
JOHNNIE WALKER whisky has spread in 120 countries.
With the evolution of the times, JOHNNIE WALKER has become a part of global culture: arrangers and filmmakers make it immortal, socialites and film stars love it, political figures I also like to enjoy the JOHNNIE WALKER while walking and chatting with the great athletes of the year.
On January 1, 1934, John Walker and his son were awarded the royal royal certification for this whiskey by King George V. To this day, we still have the supreme glory of this royal certification.
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