德國手工沙發品牌 Koinor 沙發的皮革大多來自義大利以及德國境內。沙發組裝是一項需要專業以及細心的工作,並需由專業的老師傅收工將沙發框架以及皮套一起組裝,非常費時,一元件的沙發最多要將近 1 小時才可以完成。依照品檢表格逐一檢驗,展現德國嚴謹的工作態度以及負責的精神,為沙發品質把關。 Koinor 創辦於 1953 年,至今已經超過 60 年, KOH-I-NOOR 是一顆鑽石的印度名字,意思是 Mountain of Light (光芒),一開始是由英國維多利亞皇后(Queen Victoria)訂製,將原石186克拉切割成 108.93 克拉,目前則典藏在英國倫敦鐵塔中。品牌創辦人Horst Muller當初拉著一台三輪拖車走進一間廢棄軍營,以英國維多利亞女王王冠上的鑽石「Koh-I-Noor」為命名,如同品牌精神「Sofa for Friends」就是製作一套如同鑽石般永恆堅固的沙發,許多獨創技術據說是內部代代相傳。
German handmade sofa brand Koinor sofa leather mostly comes from Italy and Germany. Sofa assembly is a professional and meticulous work, and requires a professional master to assemble the sofa frame and leather case together. It is very time-consuming. A sofa with one element can take up to nearly an hour to complete. Inspect one by one in accordance with the quality inspection form, show the rigorous work attitude and responsible spirit of Germany, and check the quality of the sofa. Koinor was founded in 1953 and it has been more than 60 years. KOH-I-NOOR is the Indian name of a diamond, which means Mountain of Light. It was originally ordered by Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. The 186 carats were cut into 108.93 carats, which is currently stored in the Tower of London, England. Brand founder Horst Muller pulled a three-wheeled trailer into an abandoned military camp, named after the diamond “Koh-I-Noor” on Queen Victoria’s crown, just like the brand spirit “Sofa for Friends” is to make a set like diamonds As timeless and sturdy sofa, many original technologies are said to be passed down from generation to generation inside.

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