
服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)
Interior Design和ICFF頒發第四屆年度NYCxDESIGN獎,旨在慶祝紐約市主要設計領域的優秀產品和案件。 這個獎項由組成的數百個活動的NYCxDESIGN 表彰卓越的設計。提交的案件將由設計行業領導者組成的評審團審核。NYCxDESIGN邀請當地和全球的設計師,組織和其他有興趣創建與設計相關的活動的機構參加慶典。我們的活動團隊成員將審核您的案件,並挑選出能為紐約市設計生態系統做出積極貢獻的作品參加慶典。NYCxDESIGN為紐約市的年度設計慶典由經濟發展公司,市政機構,市長辦公室,市議會和由一些城市最知名的設計機構,零售商,製造商,企業家,策展人,教育工作者和編輯組成的指導委員會與設計師之間共同合作,吸引了來自全球的數十萬參加者和設計師。
該活動在每年五月於紐約市的所有五個行政區舉行。活動內容包括會議設施、畫廊、設計學校和公園。通過展覽,裝置,貿易展覽,面板,產品發布,開放式工作室等慶祝設計和展示十幾個設計領域。 而且,就像設計本身一樣,NYCxDESIGN無處不在,整個城市的五個行政區都有活動。 NYCxDESIGN由紐約市經濟發展公司(NYCEDC)與紐約市設計界領導成員的指導委員會共同主辦,使紐約市獨特的創意、文化、教育和經濟機會被大眾注意。
Interior Design and ICFF awarded the fourth annual NYCxDESIGN Award, a global design competition to celebrate outstanding products and cases in the major design areas of New York City. This award is composed of hundreds of events NYCxDESIGN 2019 honoring outstanding design. The submitted case will be reviewed by a jury composed of design industry leaders. NYCxDESIGN invites local and global designers, organizations and other organizations interested in creating design-related activities to participate in the celebration. Our event team members will review your case and select works that can actively contribute to the New York City design ecosystem to participate in the celebration.
NYCxDESIGN’s annual design celebration for New York City is composed of economic development companies, municipal agencies, mayors’ offices, city councils, and some of the city’s most well-known design agencies, retailers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, curators, educators, and editors The steering committee and designers work together to attract hundreds of thousands of participants and designers from all over the world. The event is held in May every year in all five boroughs of New York City, and it will be held from May 10 to 22 in 2019. Activities include conference facilities, galleries, design schools and parks. Through exhibitions, installations, trade shows, panels, product launches, open studios, etc. to celebrate the design and display of more than a dozen design areas. And, just like the design itself, NYCxDESIGN is everywhere, and there are activities in the five administrative regions of the city. NYCxDESIGN is co-sponsored by the steering committee of the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) and the leading members of the New York City design community, bringing New York City’s unique creative, cultural, educational, and economic opportunities to the public’s attention.
空間設計: 建築、室內、城市規劃、房屋、公共建築、室內設計、居住空間、辦公室、工作空間、臨時性建築物、基礎建設、城市規劃拱型建築、橋樑、高架橋和閘道、地標、象徵性結構、紀念堂、公共空間、公園、街景、廣場、行人道、設施、社區規劃和設計
建築設計: 橋樑、高架橋和閘道、地標、公園、街景
照明- 照明燈光
產品- 傢俱、住宅傢俱、戶外庭院傢俱
傢俱- 傢俱、住宅傢俱、戶外庭院傢俱
最終得獎公佈: 2022/04/25
頒獎典禮: 2022/05/10

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)