自 1839 年以來,百達翡麗一直在不間斷地追求傳統的日內瓦製表藝術。製造得益於充分的創意自由,這使其能夠設計、開發和製作鑑賞家認為是世界上最好的手錶——正如其創始人 Antoine Norbert de 所承諾的那樣百達翡麗和阿德里安菲利普。除了卓越的技藝,百達翡麗還培育了創新傳統,同時獲得了一百多項專利。
該公司自 1932 年以來一直歸 Stern 家族所有,如今由 Thierry Stern(總裁)、Philippe Stern(名譽總裁)和 Claude Peny(首席執行官)管理。Philippe Stern 憑藉雄心勃勃的房地產項目、百達翡麗博物館和卓越的計時工具(例如 Calibre 89)塑造了百達翡麗的歷史。他的兒子蒂埃里·斯特恩 (Thierry Stern) 致力於維護百達翡麗的技術領先地位,以不斷提高質量和長期其時計的可靠性。
Patek Philippe has been pursuing traditional Genevan watchmaking artistry without interruption since 1839. The manufacture benefits from full creative freedom, which allows it to design, develop, and craft watches that connoisseurs consider to be the world’s finest – as pledged by its founders Antoine Norbert de Patek and Adrien Philippe. In addition to exceptional skills, Patek Philippe also nurtures a tradition of innovation that has meanwhile been crowned by over one hundred patents.
The company has been owned by the Stern family since 1932 and today is managed by Thierry Stern (President), Philippe Stern (Honorary President), and Claude Peny (CEO). Philippe Stern shaped the history of the manufacture with ambitious real estate projects, the Patek Philippe Museum, and exceptional timekeeping instruments such as the Calibre 89. His son Thierry Stern is committed to safeguarding Patek Philippe’s technological leadership to continuously improve the quality and long-term dependability of its timepieces.

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