Piaget 是在 Georges-Édouard 的兒子 Timothée Piaget 手中發展起來的。他將公司從機芯製造商轉變為豪華手錶和懷錶的創造者。1943 年 Piaget 成為註冊商標,兩年後,一家新的大型製造商在他們的家鄉 La Côte-aux-Fées 成立,為我們今天所知的 Piaget 奠定了基礎。這發展由伯爵家族的第三代杰拉爾德和瓦倫丁伯爵繼續進行。對超薄的痴迷始於 Valentin Piaget,他追求這種時尚的技術,將其鞏固為品牌的標誌。1957 年,機械手動上鍊 9P 機芯將伯爵 (Piaget) 帶到了超薄機芯的舞台中央,在巴塞爾博覽會上引起轟動。1960 年,伯爵以獨創的微型轉子概念繼續旅程,使伯爵創造了世界上最薄的自動機芯:12P 機芯,這使伯爵成為男士超薄腕錶優雅的標杆。
Piaget evolved at the hands of Timothée Piaget, Georges-Édouard’s son. He transformed the company from being a manufacturer of movements to a creator of luxury wristwatches and pocket watches. In 1943 Piaget became a registered trademark and two years later, a new larger manufacture was set up in their home of La Côte-aux-Fées, laying the groundwork for the Piaget we know today. This acceleration was carried on by the third generation of the Piaget family, Gérald and Valentin Piaget.
The obsession with the ultra-thin started with Valentin Piaget, who pursued this sleek technicality to cement it as a signature of the brand. In 1957, the mechanical hand-wound 9P caliber is what brought Piaget to center stage for ultra-thin movements, causing a splash at the Basel Fair. In 1960, the journey continued with the ingenious micro-rotor concept that enabled Piaget to create the thinnest automatic movement in the world, 12P caliber This established Piaget as the reference for elegance in men’s ultra-thin watches.

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