
服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)
The Society of British and International Design (SBID) 在英國的專業非營利組織, 也是(ECIA) European Council of Interior Architects 同時也是歐洲室內建築委員會的重要靈魂角色. 不只設立產學業界的標準與法規. 並連結國家法規與世界大國同步.自2010年開始舉辦國際設計競賽.英國室內設計協會(The Society of British and International Design,簡稱SBID)是英國唯一專門從事室內行業的組織,會員皆是接受過系統培訓的從業人員。協會支持全國各地,乃至全球共5萬名註冊室內設計師的工作。SBID設計獎(The SBID International Design Awards)是由英國室內設計協會( SBID )組織舉辦。英國室內設計協會是歐洲室內建築師理事會的16個成員國選出的代表英國的專業協會,也是代表了美國與加拿大室內設計師資格委員會專業認證標準的專業協會。英國室內設計協會也是SBID國際設計大獎創辦者,該賽事創建於2011年;設立該賽事的目的是交流增加專業室內設計師的技能從而發掘出自身的創造潛力SBID國際設計大獎已成為全球設計日曆中最負盛名的室內設計獎。
該獎項旨在表彰,獎勵和慶祝各種類別的卓越設計。 獲得SBID國際設計獎是一項很高的成就 – 它們由領先的行業專家評估其技術內容和審美創造力,而具有設計意識的公眾也在選擇最具啟發性的項目方面有發言權。該設計標準獎吸引了來自世界各地的參賽作品,使其成為真正的榮譽和行業認可的標誌,這對於應得的贏家來說是首屈一指的。
The Society of British and International Design (SBID) is a professional non-profit organization in the United Kingdom. It is also the (ECIA) European Council of Interior Architects. It is also an important soul role of the European Interior Architectural Committee. It not only sets standards and regulations for the industry and academia industry. National regulations are synchronized with the world’s major powers. International design competitions have been held since 2010.The Society of British and International Design (SBID) is the only organization in the UK that specializes in the interior industry. Its members are practitioners who have received systematic training. The association supports the work of a total of 50,000 registered interior designers across the country and even the world. The SBID Design Awards (The SBID International Design Awards) is organized by the British Interior Design Association (SBID).The British Interior Design Association is a professional association elected by 16 member states of the European Council of Interior Architects to represent the United Kingdom. It is also a professional association representing the professional certification standards of the Interior Designers Qualification Committee of the United States and Canada.
The British Interior Design Association is also the founder of the SBID International Design Awards. The event was founded in 2011; the purpose of the event is to exchange and increase the skills of professional interior designers to explore their creative potentialThe SBID International Design Award has become the most prestigious interior design award in the global design calendar.The award is designed to recognize, reward and celebrate excellence in various categories. Winning the SBID International Design Awards is a high achievement-they are evaluated by leading industry experts for their technical content and aesthetic creativity, and the design-conscious public also has a say in choosing the most inspiring projects.The Design Standards Award attracted entries from all over the world, making it a true honor and a symbol of industry recognition, which is second to none for the deserved winner.
概念、俱樂部與酒吧設計、醫療保健中心設計、酒店臥室及套房設計、酒店公共空間設計、廚房/衛浴/臥室空間設計 (KBB)、辦公空間設計、亞太房地產開發、公共空間設計、住宅公寓設計 (100萬英鎊以上)、住宅公寓設計 (100萬英鎊以下)、住宅設計(5萬英鎊以下)、住宅設計(100萬英鎊以上)、住宅設計(100萬英鎊以下)、餐廳設計、零售空間設計、樣板間
一般截止: 2024/5/31,報名費325英鎊/案
最終截止:2024/6/28,報名費 350英鎊/案
Finalist公佈: 2024/7/31

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)