台灣女性健康護理產品以黑馬之姿闖進國際舞台──「De Pure 私密精萃凝膠」斬獲2024年紐約產品設計獎殊榮
Revolutionizing Feminine Care: De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel’s Stellar Rise to the 2024 NY Product Design Awards Podium
資料暨圖片提供- De Pure 黛芙兒、NY Product Design Awards 美國紐約產品設計獎
台灣女性私密健康護理品牌勇奪國際獎項 開創健康護理新時代
近年來,隨著女性意識的崛起,越來越多女性開始懂得珍惜、愛護自己,對於私密保養的需求更是不斷攀升。在這一趨勢下,創新的女性私密健康護理品牌De Pure便應運而生了。該品牌是由創辦人陳沛緹(Debby Chen)、陳韻如(Lilian Chen)攜手打造而成。從兼顧女性美和健康的角度出發,De Pure希望透過天然成分與專利技術的結合,提供全球女性安全、有效的私密護理方案,並提升女性健康意識,實現「更健康、更幸福、更自信」的美好願景,成為女性私密護理領域的高端領導品牌。經過多時的努力、探究,最終研製出「De Pure 私密精萃凝膠」這款專為女性私密健康設計的產品,不僅在健康護理的領域實現突破,取得天然無添加及不含365項西藥的認證,更是在今年的美國紐約產品設計獎 NY Product Design Awards大放異彩,獲得「Personal Care, Wellness & Beauty – Hygiene Products」類別的銀獎殊榮。
Taiwan’s Women’s Intimate Care Brand Wins Big, Ushering in a New Era of Health and Wellness
In recent years, the growing awareness among women regarding self-care has prompted an increased demand for intimate care products. In response to this shift, the innovative women’s intimate health care brand De Pure was founded by Debby Chen and Lilian Chen. The brand aspires to merge feminine beauty with health by offering safe and effective intimate care solutions that incorporate natural ingredients and patented technology. De Pure is dedicated to enhancing women’s health awareness to fulfill the vision of fostering a “healthier, happier, and more confident” lifestyle and aims to establish itself as a premier high-end brand in the domain of women’s intimate care.Following extensive research and development efforts, De Pure has successfully introduced De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel, a product specifically formulated for women’s intimate health. This gel not only signifies a significant advancement in health care but has also garnered certifications for being free from additives and for being free from western drug components. Moreover, it received recognition at the 2024 New York Product Design Awards, earning the Silver Award in the “Personal Care, Wellness & Beauty – Hygiene Products” category.
為了慶祝De Pure在國際競賽中斬獲殊榮,創辦人特地於12月12日在台北信義世貿大樓舉辦了產品說明會,並邀請來自相關領域的專業人士共襄盛舉。其中,便包括長庚大學生物醫學系的王永樑教授和HC-Life康見精準健康管理的謝宜君健管師兩位醫學界的翹楚。在說明會上,不僅有謝健管師講解陰道炎感染的因素、風險、影響、改善、預防的方式,及自身使用De Pure產品的良好體驗,更有王教授介紹病毒與細菌的差別,及分享De Pure產品確實達到99.9%有效抑制大腸桿菌生長、病毒斑形成的實驗成果。創辦人冀望透過他們深入、專業的分析和真實的使用體驗分享,來幫助更多女性瞭解De Pure 私密精萃凝膠的獨特價值與功效。
In recognition of De Pure’s award-winning achievements in international competitions, the founder organized a product presentation at a private venue near the Taipei Xinyi World Trade Center on December 12. Professionals from relevant fields were invited to attend. Among the distinguished guests were two leading experts from the medical sector: Professor Robert Y.-L. Wang, from the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Chang Gung University, and Health Management Accelerator Hsieh Yijun from HC-Life. During the event, Ms. Hsieh provided an in-depth overview of the factors, risks, effects, and preventive measures associated with vaginal infections. She also shared her positive personal experience with De Pure products. Professor Wang discussed the differences between viruses and bacteria and presented experimental findings showing that De Pure products can effectively inhibit the growth of E. coli and reduce the formation of viral plaques by 99.9%. The founders aim to raise awareness among women about the unique value and effectiveness of De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel by providing thorough professional insights and sharing authentic user experiences.
默默耕耘 台灣女性健康護理市場的守護者
陳沛緹(Debby Chen)、陳韻如(Lilian Chen)兩位創辦人深知不正確的作息、不均衡的飲食習慣和生活壓力容易造成免疫力低下,促使念珠菌繁殖、增長,引發陰道感染。因此,她們特別希望每位女性都能將自我關愛作為日常的一部分,從而在健康中找到自信。De Pure私密精萃凝膠的設計起源,是因台灣的潮濕氣候及炎熱的夏季可能易使女性私密處感到不適,或是清潔不良而導致輕微感染、分泌物增多。若這時再使用品質不佳的私密護理產品,便極易引發嚴重感染和異味等問題。而這些私密困擾讓許多女性難以啟齒,又深深影響生活品質。為此,兩位創辦人便決心要為女性健康做出改變,專注於解決婦科感染等棘手問題。
Guardian of Wellness: Nurturing Taiwan’s Women’s Health with Dedication
Debby Chen and Lilian Chen, the founders of the organization, recognize that inadequate work and rest habits, unbalanced dietary practices, and life stressors can significantly compromise immunity. This situation can facilitate the proliferation of Candida, leading to vaginal infections. The founders aspire for every woman to integrate self-care into her daily routine, thereby empowering her to regain confidence in her health. The De Pure Intimate Essence Gel has been meticulously developed with consideration of Taiwan’s humid climate and sweltering summers, during which women may experience discomfort in intimate areas, minor infections, and heightened secretions due to insufficient hygiene. The use of substandard intimate care products during these periods may precipitate serious infections and undesirable odors. The complexities surrounding these intimate health issues often render them difficult for many women to discuss, despite their considerable impact on overall quality of life. Consequently, the founders are resolute in their commitment to effect change in women’s health, concentrating on addressing challenging concerns such as gynecological infections.
精心專研獨家配方 遵循國際認證標準
De Pure私密精萃凝膠採用經Intertek和SGS雙重認證的「天然抗菌礦物奈米離子」,可達99.9%有效抗菌,如同為私密處設立了一道保護膜。同時,產品也有導入日本知名大廠玻尿酸、歐洲醣基海藻糖、金盞花及美國蘆薈等多項修護與保濕成分,能極盡呵護私密處健康。這正如De Pure的初衷——讓每位女性感受到真摯的呵護,重拾私密處的健康與舒適。值得一提的是,該產品能將私密處的pH值維持在3.8至4.5的理想範圍,並保證其滲透壓遠低於WHO的建議值,提供最全面的防護效果。除此之外,該產品杜絕任何可能對身體造成危害的物質。例如Parabens、SLS/ALS、酒精、人工色素、香料、化學殺蟲劑等成分皆是被排除在外的。因為De Pure希望為女性打造一個健康、自然的私密環境,而不是讓肌膚承受更多炎症與抗藥性的風險。
Meticulously Designed, Globally Certified: The Exclusive Formula Revolution
De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel incorporates “natural antibacterial mineral nano-ions” that have received certification from esteemed organizations such as Intertek and SGS. The product demonstrates a 99.9% efficacy in eliminating bacteria and serves as a protective barrier for the intimate area. Moreover, it is formulated with a selection of reparative and moisturizing ingredients sourced from reputable Japanese manufacturers, including hyaluronic acid, European glycosyl trehalose, calendula, and American aloe vera. These components are intended to offer optimal care for women’s intimate health. The primary objective of De Pure is to provide women with a sense of genuine care, enabling them to restore the health and comfort of their intimate areas. It is noteworthy that this product helps maintain the pH level of the intimate region within the target range of 3.8 to 4.5 and ensures that its osmotic pressure is substantially lower than the values recommended by the World Health Organization. This formulation delivers comprehensive protection. In addition, De Pure excludes any potentially harmful substances from its ingredients, such as parabens, SLS/ALS, alcohol, artificial colors, fragrances, and chemical pesticides. The intent of this approach is to foster a healthy and natural intimate environment for women, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation and drug resistance in the skin.
De Pure秉持純粹信念 推動私密健康之美好願景
De Pure堅信私密健康護理對每位女性至關重要,因此團隊希望能吸引到更多志同道合的人投身於這個充滿潛力的領域,共同努力讓私密健康護理的未來更加美好。在本次的產品說明會中,便有邀請到長庚大學生物醫學系的王永樑教授和HC-Life康見精準健康管理的謝宜君健管師來進行專業知識的分享。
謝宜君健康管理師是一位擁有超過20年臨床經驗的護理師。深厚的專業背景,使她對女性健康護理方面有著深遠的見解,更讓她對De Pure產品給予了高度的評價與推薦。說明會上,謝宜君健康管理師說道,保持陰道酸鹼平衡及選用天然、無化學成分的護理產品,是守護女性私密健康的關鍵。在她親身試用De Pure私密精萃凝膠,便有明顯感受到經期結束後的分泌物呈現更加健康,且分泌量也獲得改善。她提到De Pure私密精萃凝膠是一款擁有天然抗菌礦物奈米離子的產品,除了不會讓陰道發生過度鹼化的情形之外,該產品也不會產生抗藥性或造成細胞受損的問題。其中,內含的高效修護成分更是能有效舒緩、平衡陰道內的酸鹼值。
另外,現職於長庚大學醫學院生物醫學系,同時也是林口長庚醫院兒童感染科的王永樑教授,不僅分享了關於病毒、細菌的基本觀念以及如何對抗病毒的方法,更有帶來De Pure產品檢測、試驗的卓越成果。在說明會上,王教授提到先前他對De Pure私密精萃凝膠進行一系列的實驗,最終證實該產品確實具備高達99.9%有效抑制大腸桿菌生長、病毒斑形成的功效。他稱讚道De Pure私密精萃凝膠真的是一款在市面上難能可貴的女性私密護理產品,不僅有採取奈米科技,讓產品能達到絕佳隔離病毒、抗菌的效果,還有符合多項檢測認證和多位專家認可,讓使用者能更加安心。此外,王教授也有提到,透過人與人接觸所引發的病毒感染症便有超過30種以上,代表性的例子包括人類乳突病毒感染症(俗稱菜花)、滴蟲病、生殖器皰疹、披衣菌感染、淋病、愛滋病、梅毒、B 型肝炎病毒等等,尤其是因為男女間的性行為而感染的,最難以預防。因此,王教授強調大眾應將個人生理性清潔放在首位,因為此做法正是防範病毒接觸、疾病感染的最佳方法、守護健康的基石。
在專業的講解、分析後,大眾對私密健康護理的層面便能有更深入的瞭解,並在使用產品時更加安心。通過國際獎項的認可、產品說明會的圓滿舉行,De Pure不僅進一步確立了品牌在女性私密健康護理領域的重要地位,也為大眾女性提出了更加安全、有效的私密護理方案。
De Pure: Upholding Purity to Champion a Beautiful Vision for Intimate Health
De Pure firmly asserts that intimate healthcare is a fundamental necessity for every woman. The brand seeks to engage more individuals who share this vision in order to collaborate on advancing the field of intimate healthcare. This product presentation features the insights of Professor Robert Y.-L. Wang from the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Chang Gung University, alongside Health Management Accelerator Hsieh Yijun.
Health Management Accelerator Hsieh Yijun , a nurse with over 20 years of clinical experience, possesses extensive knowledge pertaining to women’s healthcare. She endorses De Pure products highly, asserting their importance in maintaining intimate health. During the briefing, she emphasized the significance of sustaining vaginal pH balance and utilizing natural, chemical-free care products as essential measures for protecting women’s intimate health. After personal use of De Pure Intimate Gel, she observed marked improvements in the health and volume of post-menstrual discharge. She highlighted that De Pure Intimate Gel incorporates natural antibacterial mineral nano-ions, which not only prevent excessive alkalinization of the vagina but also mitigate the risks of drug resistance and cellular damage. The gel’s high-efficiency repair ingredients are effective in soothing and balancing vaginal pH levels.
Furthermore, Professor Robert Y.-L. Wang, affiliated with the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the College of Medicine of Chang Gung University and the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, provided a comprehensive overview of viruses and bacteria, along with strategies to counteract viral infections. He presented robust results from empirical testing and experimentation involving De Pure products. Professor Wang noted that his investigations into De Pure Intimate Gel demonstrated its efficacy in inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli and reducing viral spot formation by as much as 99.9%. He characterized De Pure Intimate Gel as a distinguished product within the feminine intimate care market, utilizing nanotechnology to achieve exceptional viral isolation and antibacterial effectiveness. Additionally, the product has received multiple certifications and endorsements from experts, providing assurance to users.
Professor Wang also indicated that there are over 30 types of viral infectious diseases transmitted through human contact, including but not limited to human papillomavirus infection, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis B. Particularly, infections arising from sexual activity between men and women present significant prevention challenges. He therefore underscored the importance of prioritizing personal hygiene, which serves as the most effective means of preventing viral exposure and infections, representing a cornerstone of health protection.
The professional presentation and analysis offered attendees a deeper comprehension of intimate healthcare, instilling confidence in their use of the products. Through the recognition achieved from international awards and the successful organization of product seminars, De Pure has not only solidified its standing in the domain of women’s intimate healthcare but has also proposed safer and more effective solutions for public intimate care needs.
安心呵護好簡單 私密保養找De Pure
想要了解創辦人Debby和Lilian的故事或是De Pure品牌產品的最新動態,都歡迎隨時訪問以下平台。
Caring Made Easy: De Pure, Your Partner in Intimate Wellness
Learn about the inspiring journey of founders Debby and Lilian, and stay updated with the latest news from De Pure’s brand and products by visiting the social media platforms and the links below.
Line 官方:@233zecmy
Instagram QR Code:https://www.instagram.com/depure4u/profilecard/?igsh=MTJyaDNtZ3lhZXBrZA%3D%3D
國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)