Also known as The Snail due to its curving form, ‘Kastrup Sea Bath’ is a fully accessible outdoor swimming facility, located on what was once a former brownfield site. With its expansive wooden pier and circular pavilion, the site exists as one of Denmark’s most architecturally recognizable and popular leisure destinations.
座落於Amager Strandvej海灘,木造的碼頭從岸上延伸至海中,並與一個開口向南的3/4圓弧相接。在圓弧的端點設置了一座五公尺高的跳水台,供大膽的遊客挑戰水花的魅力。圓弧的造型創造出一個半封閉式的結構,阻擋了強勁的西風,為海中的遊客提供了一個較為平穩的水域,不下水的遊客也能在座位區上舒適的享受陽光。
Situated on the Amager Strandvej beach, a wooden pier stretches from shore and curves around to form a south-facing circular enclosure, ending in a five-meter-high diving platform. The circular shape creates a semi-enclosed interior, providing shelter from the wind and an apt retreat for swimming and sunbathing.
本案的幕後功臣是來自瑞典的White Arkitekter事務所,同時也是斯堪地那維亞地區上最大的建築公司。該事務所向來以其永續共生的手法,打造出一座座令人驚嘆的建築、景觀及都市設計。海水浴場一路延伸至松德海峽(Øresund strait)內,向前可以眺望丹麥的薩爾特島(Saltholm Island)及更北方的瑞典。「這個充滿張力的結構在空中、海上及陸地上都是一個非常顯眼的地標,」White Arkitekter事務所表示,「當遊客們沿著路線移動時,他所能看見的輪廓也持續的在改變。」當北歐深邃的夜晚及漫長的冬季來臨時,浴場將會點上燈光,讓光影描繪出建築的細節之美,更為夜間的遊客提供一盞平安的明燈。
Designed by architecture firm White Arkitekter, who are known for their sustainable architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture projects, the sea bath stretches into the Øresund strait, with views of Saltholm Island and Sweden ahead. “The dynamic sculptural form is a visible landmark from the beach, sea, and air,” explains a statement from the firm. “As a visitor moves around the bath, its silhouette constantly changes.” At night and during the long and dark off-season, dramatic lighting emphasizes the sculptural design, heightening the visitors’ aesthetic experience as well as securing their safety.
Images: Åke Eson Lindman and Mats Ek. Courtesy White Arkitekter
Words: Stephanie Wade
Source: Ignant