地景藝術的絕響 打包凱旋門——Christo and Jeanne-Claude《Wrapped》
2021藝術圈最大規模的計畫之一,便是將法國巴黎著名地標凱旋門打包。這項名為《包裹Wrapped》的計畫,是已故地景藝術先驅克里斯托與珍歌迪(Christo and Jeanne-Claude)在1960年代便開始發想的計畫,一直到60年後的現在才終於實踐。凱旋門由數千尺長的銀色布料及紅色繩子包裹著,將古色古香的建物從巴黎古典的街景中拔除,創造出一番獨特又超脫現實的全新景觀。
In Paris, the staggering Arc de Triomphe has been wrapped in thousands of meters of silvery fabric with red strings, as part of an awe-inspiring posthumous art installation ‘Wrapped’, originally conceived of by artist couple Christo and Jeanne-Claude in the 1960s.
這對藝術組合素來以其大規模的限地環境裝置藝術聞名,這並不是他們第一次將大型的地標以大片的布幔包裹起來,1995年德國國會大廈以及2005年的美國紐約中央公園大門都是其代表作。本次的計畫在沈澱十數載後,由巴黎市政府、法國國家古蹟中心(the Centre des Monuments Nationaux)及龐畢度國家藝術和文化中心(the modern art museum Centre Pompidou)共同規劃。這座聳立在著名的香榭大道中心的50公尺高建築,共耗費了25000平方公尺的環保布料包裹。在工程完成後,莊嚴肅穆的十九世紀典雅拱門消失在視野之中,剩下的僅是一團看不清樣貌的銀色暈影。
The pair of artists were known for their large-scale, site-specific environmental installations, often swaddling significant landmarks in endless amounts of fabric, such as the Reichstag in Berlin in 1995 and the Central Park Gates in 2005. The plan for the installation was revived by the City of Paris in partnership with the Centre des Monuments Nationaux and the modern art museum Centre Pompidou. The 50-meter-high imperial monument, which towers over the iconic Champs-Élysées, was cloaked in 25,000 square meters of the silvery recyclable plastic wrapping, completely concealing its original 19th century arched form.
《Wrapped》由已故藝術家克里斯托的姪子弗拉基米爾・賈瓦切夫Vladimir Yavatchev操刀,花費約一千四百萬歐元完成。1958年的某天,年輕藝術家克里斯多在凱旋門廣場附近租下一間小公寓,自此便深受這座不凡的建築吸引。60年後的今天,我們終於能見到藝術家當年眼中所見,讓藝術的風景實踐於生活之中。
‘Wrapped’ was finally brought to life by the late Christo’s nephew, Vladimir Yavatchev, at a cost of about 14 million euros. As a young man, Christo rented a small room near the Arc de Triomphe after moving to Paris in 1958, and had been attracted to the remarkable monument ever since. Now, 60 years later, the project has finally been concretized, with this stunning series of images shot by architectural photographer Yohan Zerdoun.
Images: Yohan Zerdoun、達志影像路透、Ig@ arcdetriomphe_paris
Words: Stephanie Wade
Source: Ignant