墨西哥 Andrés Bustamante Arrieta建築師事務所-墨西哥Torre Andeza

The project is a mixed-use tower in the city of Puebla, which, due to its typology and program, is typically composed of 2 volumes. The first volume serves as a base or podium containing the public program, while the second volume is a mixed-use tower housing the semi-private and private program. Each volume has different characteristics: the podium aims to create a direct connection with the street and consumers, while the tower’s main objective is to offer the best views and provide a unique experience for future owners. In most cases, the two volumes have a clear separation between their spaces, isolated from each other. The podium is generally limited to the activity and flow generated by the commercial areas without truly creating a public space, so only people who visit the development to consume tend to frequent it, while the tower remains isolated from the city on the base that acts as a boundary between the public and private realms.

Analyzing these factors, we concluded that we needed to create a new project whose main objective is integration with the city, its inhabitants, the context, and the physical environment. Instead of creating a development composed of two separate volumes as is usually done, we proposed a volume that fulfills its two main conditions: the commercial program with its visual and physical connection to the street, and the tower focused on and oriented towards the best possible views, in this case, the volcanoes.
The design of the tower adapts to the context and site by changing the condition of the typical mixed use typology of a commercial podium with a residential tower on top.

As it emerges from the ground the tower starts turning 1.5 degrees per level creating a design that allows sunlight to the street and open views to the sorrownding neighbor buildings.

The commercial levels offers views to the public plaza in front of the building and the street. The residential complex to the volcanos and Puebla skyline.

The tower includes in its first levels a commercial complex with retail and restaurants with amazing terraces to enjoy the outdoor life.



塔樓從地面逐層向上延伸,每層旋轉 1.5 度,創造出一種設計,使陽光能夠照射到街道上,並提供對鄰近建築物的景觀視野。商業空間可俯瞰建築前的公共廣場和街道,住宅區則能欣賞到火山和普埃布拉的壯麗天際線。



本作品榮獲:2023 美國未來房屋設計獎 Future House Award 住宅-塔樓 (塔式建築) Residential Towers 類別 Winner 優勝獎







國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)