多哈世博會沙烏地阿拉伯館 KSA Pavilion at Expo 2023 Doha
With a focus on promoting sustainable behaviours and increasing environmental awareness, the first International Horticultural Exhibition in the Middle East and North Africa regions aimed to combat desertification through green solutions. This initiative led to the birth of the KSA Pavilion project, a collaboration between Expo Pavilion Group, Neon, and UOOU Studio.
Spanning 5500 square metres, the pavilion offers a seamless journey blending nature and technology, reflecting Saudi Arabia’s commitment to modern agriculture, technology, innovation, environmental awareness, and sustainability. Inspired by the majestic Hijaz mountains, the pavilion’s design features a shading system mirroring the peaks’ skyline, protecting the lush internal garden from the desert climate.
Visitors embark on an interactive journey through the contrasting landscapes, symbolising Saudi Arabia’s past and future. The pavilion’s purpose is to respond to the contemporary need for sustainable spaces while celebrating Saudi Arabian culture and promoting innovative architectural perspectives.
The interior spaces strike a balance between tradition and innovation, with a VIP area reminiscent of a Majlis adorned with traditional patterns. The ground floor houses functional spaces surrounding the central VIP area seamlessly.
An exclusive VIP terrace offers a panoramic view of the inner garden, creating a serene outdoor experience. The pavilion’s immersive 360-degree show showcases Saudi Arabia’s natural treasures, highlighting the kingdom’s commitment to a greener future.
Through interactive representations, visitors learn about the Saudi Green Initiative, focusing on reducing emissions, greening Saudi landscapes, and protecting land and sea, reaffirming the kingdom’s dedication to enhancing quality of life for future generations.
KSA Pavilion showcases Saudi Arabia’s landscapes within a 5,500 sqm space, including outdoor and indoor facilities like exhibition spaces, VIP lounges, and service rooms. The design incorporates a sculptural facade with 3.5km of LED lights, a 360° immersive media experience, an inner garden with water features and an open-air theatre, and a rooftop area for VIP events. The landscape design uses materials reflecting Saudi Arabia’s natural beauty, while traditional Saudi patterns blend with modern elements in both the facade and interior design. Structural integrity is maintained through a concrete foundation connecting steel verticals, creating a double curvature surface resembling mountain ridges.
首屆中東和北非地區國際園藝博覽會旨在促進永續行為和提高環境意識,並致力於通過綠色解決方案防治沙漠化。這一舉措促成了 KSA 館計畫的誕生,該計畫是世博館集團、Neon 和 UOOU Studio 之間的合作成果。
展館佔地 5500 平方米,提供了融合自然與技術的無縫體驗,體現了沙烏地阿拉伯對現代農業、技術創新、環境意識和永續發展的承諾。受希賈茲山脈的啟發,展館設計採用了反映山峰天際線的遮陽系統,保護內部的花園免受沙漠氣候的影響。
專屬 VIP 露臺可欣賞內部花園的全景,營造寧靜的戶外體驗。展館內的沉浸式 360 度展示展示了沙烏地阿拉伯的自然寶藏,凸顯了該國對綠色未來的承諾。
本作品榮獲:2024IAA倫敦設計獎London Design Awards第一季 建築設計-機構 類別 金獎
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