

2008年,由愛爾蘭建築事務所Grafton Architects為義大利米蘭的博科尼大學(Bocconi University)設計了一棟全新的校舍。該建築榮獲2008年英國WAF世界建築節第一屆年度建築大獎,被評審讚為「奇幻的地下王國」,並將米蘭這座古老城市的精華盡收於這座簡約、屬於21世紀的當代建築之中。


設計總監Yvonne Farrell和Shelley McNamara提到,他們希望博科尼大學能融入其所處的城市,讓大學的公共領域得以和外界有所連結,並藉由大學開啟一扇通往米蘭的窗,也讓城市能再度認知到博科尼大學對此地的文化貢獻。

空間設計|奇幻的地下王國,打開通往城市的窗口:米蘭博科尼大學|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|奇幻的地下王國,打開通往城市的窗口:米蘭博科尼大學|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


空間設計|奇幻的地下王國,打開通往城市的窗口:米蘭博科尼大學|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|奇幻的地下王國,打開通往城市的窗口:米蘭博科尼大學|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

In 2008, Irish practice Grafton Architects designed a university faculty building in Milan, Italy; ‘Bocconi University’ was named World Building of the Year at the inaugural World Architecture Festival. Today, whether you’re a student or just passing by, the building remains a stunning piece of design to take in.
The directors of the firm have said of the building: “It is an architectural opportunity and a window to Milan, a memorable image to confirm the important cultural contribution that the Bocconi University plays in the life of the city.” The cantilevered design suspends offices over underground student accommodation, with a facade of angular volumes that jut out in different directions. Sharp, sculptural lines, rectilinear planes, and dramatic geometry define the building’s exterior, which is constructed from gray stone. It is expressionist architecture that looks dense, austere, and effortless all at once.

空間設計|奇幻的地下王國,打開通往城市的窗口:米蘭博科尼大學|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|奇幻的地下王國,打開通往城市的窗口:米蘭博科尼大學|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Designer: Grafton Architects

Word: Stephanie Wade

Photography: Lorenzo Zandri

Source: IgnantDezeen