從有到無——皮諾私人美術館Urs Fischer燃燒的蠟像《無題2011》
位在近期全新開幕的皮諾私人美術館中央的是,瑞士開創性藝術家烏爾斯・費歇爾(Urs Fischer)名為《無題(2011)》的一系列蠟燭雕刻裝置作品。這些巨型的蠟燭將會持續燃燒,直到展期結束。屆時,它們也將分解殆盡。
Positioned right in the heart of the newly opened Bourse de Commerce Pinault Collection in Paris, the installation ‘Untitled (2011)’ by seminal Swiss artist Urs Fischer, a series of wax sculptures, will burn until they disintegrate at the exhibition’s conclusion.
The artist has redesigned the series to suit the scale of the space, with a group of monumental candles acting as sculptures, that were lit on the first day of the exhibition.
本系列展出作品包括一座實品大小的《強擄薩賓婦女(The Abduction of the Sabine Women)》,該作品是文藝復興時期著名雕刻家詹博洛尼亞(Giambologna)的代表作、一座藝術家魯道夫・史丁格(Rudolf Stingel)的人像(他同時也是Fischer的朋友),以及許多椅子,從矮凳、塑膠椅,到飛機座椅。
The series includes a life-size replica of a famous sculpture, Giambologna’s ‘The Abduction of the Sabine Women (1579-1582),’ an effigy of the artist Rudolf Stingel (Fischer’s friend and peer) and a collection of different chairs, ranging from a stool, to a plastic chair and an airline seat.
“Before being lit, this ensemble of candles encapsulates mastery, realism, verticality, and virtuosity but over the course of the exhibition, as the candles burn, these values are inverted by the workings of chance and entropy: the sculpture becomes informal, even formless,” explains a statement from the gallery. Unpacking themes of transience, transformation, and creative destruction, the pieces gradually disintegrate and trickle away, all the while still continuing to enchant the space and the viewer.
(編註:熵,音同傷。熵的概念由德國物理學家克勞修斯(Rodolph Clausius)於1854年提出的,是一種對物理系統之無秩序或亂度的量度;即熱力學中用於量度熱能無法提供轉換成有用的功的一種物理量,是表示物理系統有序狀態的一個函數。古典熱力學提供熵的概念,而繼之的統計力學則以組織體的觀點再次解析熵:它表示系統的紊亂程度。系統越亂,熵就越大;系統越有序,熵就越小。)
IMAGES: Stefan Altenburger
WORDS: Stephanie Wade
Source: Ignant