空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería

走進這間位於西班牙瓦倫西亞,由Masquespacio 事務所所設計的La Sastrería餐廳,彷彿走進了地中海的湛藍:藍色的磁磚像魚鱗一樣閃著微光,而海草綠的座椅高低起伏,模仿著海浪拍打沙灘的韻律。設計的細節完美的捕捉了埃爾卡瓦尼亞-卡亞米拉地區(Canyamelar – Cabanyal neighborhood)的精髓,並襯托出主廚Sergio Giraldo的美味海鮮餐點。

It is as if a flowing wave has crashed right into Masquespacio-designed La Sastrería restaurant in Valencia. Shimmering blue tiles glisten like fish scales, while seafoam green covered seating is reminiscent of the rhythm of the ocean. The design manages to capture the culture of the surrounding Canyamelar – Cabanyal neighborhood while celebrating the authentic seafood dishes produced by chef Sergio Giraldo.

空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

餐廳分為三個區塊,每區靈感皆取自於Giraldo的菜餚。設計師表示,吧台區的炫目設計代表了這個地區豐盛、繽紛的建築傳統,黑、白、藍、綠色的磁磚拼貼成不同的幾何圖形,搭配圓弧形的燈柱,讓整個吧台區充滿活力。Ana Hernández,Masquespacio的創意總監,說到:「我們在吧台區重新詮釋了附近建築的立面,將當地的街景融入進餐廳之中,讓這裡能與在地產生更強烈的連結。」此外,吧台區的椅子也不是隨意選擇的,設計團隊重新詮釋了當地居民在夏天時會從家中搬到街上的塑膠椅。透過精準掌握社區的核心精神並重現居民的生活習慣,Masquespacio希望所有來此用餐的客人都感覺到,La Sastrería就像是家的延伸。

The scheme has been divided into three parts, each paying reference to Sergio’s food. Masquespacio explains that the design of the bar speaks to the neighborhood that surrounds it, directly referencing its ornate and colourful architecture. Masquespacio describe the bar as “a façade all on its own with its ornaments and singular figures”, as it reinterprets nearby building facades. Ana Hernández, creative director of Masquespacio explains, “we tried to recreate the habits from the neighbours in the interior – amongst others the reinterpretation of the plastic chairs they’re used to taking from their homes to the streets on summer days”. The restaurant manages to capture this sense of community, inviting all guests to feel as if dining here is an extension of their own home.

空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


The main dining space is hugged by a ‘wave’ that’s colored by different shades of blue. The curve of the wrap-around seat is mirrored in a hanging installation above the kitchen. Blue ceramic pieces hang suspended from the ceiling, floating in the wind like strands of long seaweed. Ana Hernández expresses – “here we wanted to create a scene focused on the kitchen, submerging the whole restaurant like if you are in the middle of the sea, directed towards of the most important part of the space. It’s pure fantasy like Sergio’s dishes”. Apart from honouring the chef’s food at La Sastrería, Masquespacio managed to capture the true essence of the community, paying homage to the culture of the local neighbourhood.

空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|從海洋到餐桌,從餐廳到海洋——西班牙瓦倫西亞La Sastrería|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Image: Masquespacio
Word:  Caitlin Miller
Source: YellowTrace