德國慕尼黑百年皇家啤酒屋 Hofbräuhaus München
慕尼黑的StaatlichesHofbräuhaus(慕尼黑的皇家啤酒廠,也是Hofbräu慕尼黑的啤酒廠)是德國慕尼黑的啤酒廠,由巴伐利亞州政府擁有。 Hof(法院)來自啤酒廠作為巴伐利亞王國皇家啤酒廠的歷史。該啤酒廠擁有Hofbräuhausam Platzl,Hofbräukeller以及慕尼黑啤酒節(Hofbräu-Festzelt)最大的帳篷之一。巴伐利亞公爵威廉五世(Wilhelm V)傳承的原始配方釀造的啤酒種類繁多。目前生產的啤酒包括Weißbier和Helles、Maibock、Dunkel和慕尼黑啤酒節啤酒。慕尼黑的Hofbräuhausam Platzl啟發了這首歌《oans,zwoa,g’suffa》(巴伐利亞方言:「一,二,下去囉!」)。
The Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München (public Royal Brewery in Munich, also Hofbräu München) is a brewery in Munich, Germany, owned by the Bavarian state government. The Hof (court) comes from the brewery’s history as a royal brewery in the Kingdom of Bavaria. The brewery owns the Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, the Hofbräukeller and one of the largest tents at the Oktoberfest (Hofbräu-Festzelt). There are many types of beer brewed using original recipes handed down by Wilhelm V, the Duke of Bavaria. The current beers produced include a Weißbier and Helles, Maibock, Dunkel and Oktoberfest lagers. The Hofbräuhaus am Platzl in Munich inspired the song “oans, zwoa, g’suffa” (The Bavarian dialect for: “one, two, down the hatch”).
Hofbräuhausam Platzl由巴伐利亞公爵威廉五世於1589年建立。它是慕尼黑最古老的啤酒館之一。它是作為舊皇家住所的釀酒廠而建立的,當時皇家住所就位於今天啤酒館所在的拐角處。由於第一位啤酒釀造商Heimeran Pongratz 和1516年的《巴伐利亞啤酒純度法》,該啤酒規定在釀造過程中只能使用天然成分,因此啤酒迅速流行起來。威廉的兒子和繼承人馬克西米利安一世(Maximilian I)不太喜歡布勞恩比爾啤酒(Braunbier),那是深色和深色的棕色啤酒。因此,在17世紀初,馬克西米利安一世(Maximilian I)將啤酒廠的重點轉移到了小麥啤酒上,並禁止所有其他私人啤酒廠釀造小麥啤酒,從而建立了壟斷地位。 1612年,Heimeran Pongraz的繼任者Elias Pichler面臨釀造更濃啤酒的壓力,因此釀造了Maibock。實際上,梅博克啤酒非常有名,以至於曾經使這座城市免於滅亡。當瑞典國王古斯塔夫·阿道夫斯(Gustavus Adolphus)在1632年的三十年戰爭中入侵巴伐利亞時,他揚言要解僱並焚燒整個慕尼黑市。他同意,如果市民交出一些人質和60萬桶Hofbräuhaus啤酒,他將和平離開這座城市。第二次世界大戰後,部分歸功於駐紮在慕尼黑的美國士兵帶回家帶有「 HB」標誌的啤酒杯,Hofbräuhaus迅速成為慕尼黑的第一大旅遊勝地。世界其他地區對Hofbräuhäuser的需求幾乎立即開始。德國以外的歐洲第一家Hofbräuhaus在意大利的熱那亞開業。
The Hofbräuhaus am Platzl was founded in 1589 by the Duke of Bavaria, Wilhelm V. It is one of Munich’s oldest beer halls. It was founded as the brewery to the old Royal Residence, which at that time was situated just around the corner from where the beer hall stands today. The beer quickly became popular thanks to the first brewer, Heimeran Pongratz,[citation needed] and the “Bavarian Beer Purity Law” of 1516 that stated that only natural ingredients could be used in the brewing process. Maximilian I, Wilhelm’s son and heir, did not care much for the Braunbier, which was the dark and heavy brown beer. So, in the beginning of the 17th century Maximilian I turned the brewery’s focus onto wheat beers and forbade all other private breweries to brew wheat beer, thus creating a monopoly. In 1612, Heimeran Pongraz’s successor, Elias Pichler, was under pressure to brew a stronger beer, hence the Maibock.[1] In fact, the Maibock beer became so famous that it once saved the city from annihilation. When King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden invaded Bavaria during the Thirty Years’ War in 1632, he threatened to sack and burn the entire city of Munich. He agreed to leave the city in peace if the citizens surrendered some hostages, and 600,000 barrels of Hofbräuhaus beer. After World War II, thanks in part to legions of American soldiers stationed in Munich bringing home beer mugs with the “HB” logo, the Hofbräuhaus quickly became Munich’s number one tourist attraction. Demand for Hofbräuhäuser in other parts of the world began almost immediately. The first Hofbräuhaus in Europe outside Germany was opened in Genoa, Italy, see Hofbräuhaus Genova.
1968年,赫爾穆特・邁耶(Helmut Meyer)在澳大利亞墨爾本市場街的歐洲之外開設了第一家Hofbräuhaus,至今仍在運營。該建築群包括Alpine Bar酒吧和Bier Hall。自2005年10月以來,德國漢堡開設了Hofbräuhaus。 2008年10月,位於德國不萊梅的Hofbräuhaus開業了。雷根斯堡、凱撒斯勞滕、柏林和貝希特斯加登也有霍夫布勞豪瑟(Hofbräuhäuser)。Hofbräuhaus特許經營權已在美國各地開設。2003年4月,肯塔基州紐波特(俄亥俄州大辛辛那提市);2004年1月,內華達州拉斯維加斯;2009年3月,賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡;2013年1月,伊利諾伊州芝加哥;2014年10月,俄亥俄州克利夫蘭、俄亥俄州,哥倫布。2014年11月。於2020年9月在紐約州布法羅開設了一家專營店。一家專營店從2015年9月至2020年3月在佛羅里達州的聖彼得堡經營。在邁阿密,佛羅里達州、巴拿馬城海灘,佛羅里達州、紐約,紐約和威斯康星州的密爾沃基也有連鎖的Hofbräu啤酒花園,它們提供傳統美食,但並不會釀製自己的Hofbräuhaus啤酒。
In 1968, Helmut Meyer opened the first Hofbräuhaus outside of Europe, in Market Lane, Melbourne, Australia, where it still operates today. The complex includes Alpine Bar and Bier Hall. Since October 2005, there has been a Hofbräuhaus in Hamburg, Germany. In October 2008, a Hofbräuhaus in Bremen, Germany, was opened. There are also Hofbräuhäuser in Regensburg, Kaiserslautern, Berlin and Berchtesgaden. Hofbräuhaus franchises have opened in several places around the United States. Newport, Kentucky (Greater Cincinnati, Ohio) in April 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, in January 2004, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in March 2009, Chicago, Illinois in January 2013, Cleveland, Ohio in October 2014 and Columbus, Ohio in November 2014.A franchise opened in Buffalo, New York in September of 2020. A franchise had operated in St. Petersburg, Florida from September 2015 until March 2020.There is also a chain of Hofbräu Beer Gardens in Miami, Florida, Panama City Beach, Florida, New York, New York, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin which provide the traditional food and but do not brew their own Hofbräuhaus beer, only serve it.
Source: Hofbräuhaus