極簡的田園詩篇——墨西哥《Casa Tiny》度假屋
墨西哥的海濱城市埃斯孔迪多港(Puerto Escondido)是全球知名的衝浪城市,聞名遐邇的墨西哥管浪(the Mexican Pipeline)每年吸引無數衝浪者前來挑戰。而今天的主角,則是由墨西哥建築師Aranza de Ariño所設計的度假屋《Casa Tiny》,這座充滿田園風情的水泥住宅依偎在海灘邊的茂密植被旁,離海灘僅一步之遙,能夠盡情的享受海岸風情。
Beside Mexico’s famous pipeline, just beyond the surf town of Puerto Escondido is ‘Casa Tiny’. Designed by Aranza de Ariño, this idyllic concrete dwelling sits nestled amongst dense vegetation just a short stroll from the beach.
混凝土的建築牆體,加上在地硬木製成的百葉窗構成了這座極簡建築。挑高的空間配上大面積的開窗,為保持通風及室內光線,並沒有設置任何的玻璃窗,而是讓海風及熱情的陽光能透過百葉窗進入室內。空間包含了一間廚房、一間浴室以及一間夾層式的臥房,格局上則採用了開放式規劃,保持了視覺流暢性,並減少小面積帶來的壓迫感。建築體的後方設有私人游泳池,而另一側地板則向外延伸,可作為前院,亦可將百頁門板打開,作為廚房的延續。建築師de Ariño在設計本案的時候,從亨利・梭羅的《湖濱散記(Walden)》中汲取靈感。這本紀錄了作者在美國瓦爾登湖畔木屋生活兩年的散文集,刻劃了田園生活的簡樸,以及不受俗事羈絆的閒適自在。
This holiday home is open plan and minimalist, consisting of a kitchen, bathroom, and open mezzanine bedroom. Constructed from concrete and native hardwood, the house opens with louvers to a concrete terrace that winds its way around a swimming pool at one end and acts as an extension of the kitchen at the other. In designing this space, de Ariño drew inspiration from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden; a book that recounts the years that Thoreau spent in the woods in a cabin he had built — free from the distractions of ordinary life.
閉上眼睛,完全可以想像來到《Casa Tiny》,和三五好友一起chill在大床上,度過一個盡情享受陽光、沙灘、海浪的悠閒假期。下次要到墨西哥,不妨上Airbnb看看《Casa Tiny》是否還有檔期!
It’s certainly not hard to imagine leaving your worries behind after a week of holidays here. Traveling to Mexico? You can book Casa Tiny here.
Images: Camila Cossio
Words: Rosie Flanagan