空間設計|海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House

希臘建築事務所Kois Associated Architects在希臘蒂諾斯島上打造了一座「私人海域」——一座屋頂是無邊泳池的全景房屋。
Kois Associated Architects designed a panoramic house with an infinity pool as the roof located on the Greek island of Tinos.

海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House

The one-story ‘Mirage’ house is nestled into the island’s rugged landscape and offers stunning views over the Aegean Sea. Using local techniques like dry wall construction, the structure was also made of local materials such as retained earth. Speaking of the inspiration behind the concept, the architects say: “We wanted to make a house fused with its surroundings, an invisible oasis hidden from unsuspecting eyes. The house is acts almost like an observation point as it clings to the rocks and oversees the dramatic cascading landscape.”

空間設計|海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|海景第一排,愛琴海畔的海市蜃樓——希臘蒂諾斯Mirage House|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


Designer: Kois Associated Architects

WORDS: Jessica Jungbauer

Image: Kois Associated Architects

Source: Ignant