漂浮的鑽石—— 俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行全新莫斯科總部 Sberbank Moscow
來自瑞士的設計團隊 Evolution Design再次與俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行合作,並為其設計位於莫斯科的全新企業分部。雙方之前曾在2018年合作過一次,Evolution Design為其重新設計了辦公室的內部裝潢,不僅讓空間更為開闊,並透過工作空間的靈活配置展現出了全新的企業文化。如今,俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行再次找來Evolution Design為其打造一座獨特且多功能的全新企業辦公室。該總部佔地30000平方公尺(約9075坪),包含了大量的靈活辦公空間、一間多功能的議會中心、多間會議室、共同工作區域,以及一間能容納400人的餐廳。
The team from Evolution Design continue their work with Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Swiss architecture and design practice was responsible for the interiors of the Sberbank offices in 2018, opening them up and making them more flexible, showcasing the change in corporate culture in the layout of the workspace. The bank is currently developing a new corporate district in Moscow; it has now commissioned the same firm to completely reconstruct a 30,000m2 shell and core building to turn it into a unique multifunctional head office. The project features agile workspaces, a multi-purpose conference venue, various meeting rooms, coworking areas and a restaurant for 400 people.
整個空間最特別的設計就是由Evolution Design與俄羅斯建築事務所 T+T Architects共同設計的巨型天井,並在其中技巧性地置入了鏡面反射版,使其映射出兩側20公尺高的綠植牆,為空間注入自然的氛圍。此外,從三樓延伸至天井上方的會議室也被鏡面反射玻璃包覆,乍看之下,嚴然是一顆漂浮在空中的璀璨鑽石。會議室的另一端由鋼索固定,在確保安全的同時又為空間中帶來了一些不規律的線性幾何元素,增加了空間的層次感。Evolution Design的創意總監Tanya Ruegg表示,這個鏡面的會議室會反射出週邊的環境,隨著觀看者在空間中移動,他所看到的視野也將隨之改變,「我們希望這能反映出公司企業精神:保持流動和敏捷。鑽石會議室在實踐上是一個難題,但我們希望它能夠象徵企業的野心和遠見。」
The centrepiece of the project designed by Evolution Design, in collaboration with the Russian architecture studio T+T Architects, is the atrium, where strategically positioned mirrored panels reflect two, standout 20-metre high green walls. The architects also used mirrors in the diamond-shaped meeting pod that looks as if it is floating in mid-air. A daring architectural solution, held in place by a hidden load-bearing steel frame and a thin triangulated structure. The asymmetrical panels of the cladding reflect the surrounding atrium, so the diamond changes appearance when viewed from different positions. The creative director of Evolution Design, Tanya Ruegg, explains: “The idea is to reflect the company’s ethos of being fluid and agile in its business. This suspended meeting space, which was technically very challenging to deliver, is a symbolic expression of the bank’s vision and ambition.”
There are also six cantilevered meeting rooms. They cantilever out over the atrium, adding a further sense of colour, life and energy to the new Sberbank headquarters.
The architects have also inserted a two-storey, 500-seat conference auditorium into the first and second floors of the atrium, with walls and ceiling constructed of 1136 individual triangular acoustic panels. The conference venue also houses several meeting rooms, each clad in curved perforated metal panels in gold, rose and bronze tones, which lend a sense of quality and fluidity to the workspace.
The “roof” of the conference hall has become the heart of the head office, filled with daylight and greenery. It features coworking spaces, informal meeting areas and a coffee bar, the real social hub of the makeover. Looking upwards, you can see the full atrium, which soars six floors above. The design heads in the same direction the other Sberbank offices in the centre of Moscow. Here too modular design allows for the free scaling of work zones where each team has several types of meeting rooms, recreation spaces and quiet zones at its disposal. When needed, each floor can become an autonomous unit with its own reception and all the required technical areas, which suits the bank’s model of using the headquarters intelligently and efficiently, even when circumstances change.
Designer: Evolution Design in collaboration with T+T Architects
Images: Sergey Melnikoff
Word: Christiane Bürklein
Source: Floornature