以驚人的水下博物館及展覽聞名的英國藝術家Jason deCaires Taylor的最新計畫——位於南歐賽普勒斯著名度假區的《阿依納帕水下雕塑博物館(the Museum of Underwater Sculpture Ayia Napa, MUSAN)》日前正式完成,它也是deCaires Taylor第一座位於地中海的水下博物館。MUSAN被描述為是一座生態豐富的水下森林,用澎湃的生機講述著這片海洋的故事。
Sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor is well-known for his incredible underwater museums and exhibits. His latest project, the Museum of Underwater Sculpture Ayia Napa (MUSAN), is the first underwater museum in the Mediterranean. MUSAN is described as an underwater forest full of beautiful life that tells a story about its home.
設置在阿依納帕離岸兩百公尺的位置,這座水下博物館勢必會成為當地觀光全新景點。「森林」中設置了許多的植物、遊玩的兒童及有趣的角色,供潛水者們探索。當然了,這些都是藝術家巧手製作的雕塑。這個藝術計劃——如同deCaires Taylor其他所有的計畫——不僅是為了潛水客們提供一個驚奇的旅遊景點,更是為了海中生物提供全新的棲地。
Located 200 meters off the coast of Aiya Napa, MUSAN is bound to provide a boost to the area’s tourism. The forest is full of trees, children at play, and whimsical characters for divers and snorkelers in the area to explore. Like all of deCaires Taylor’s work, this project serves not only to provide an incredible diving experience, but also to create a habitat for life under the sea.
Each of the sculptures is made from pH neutral materials to prevent a negative impact on the environment. These structures will act as a new home for marine life that has been depleted over many decades. Over time, the sculptures will be covered in marine biomass and will provide shelter for sea creatures. This means that the area will become only more vibrant and interesting as marine life adapts to the new artwork.
「我相信Jason的93件作品能夠成為海生生物的天堂,並為這個地區提升海洋生態多樣性。」漁業與海洋研究局局長Marine Argyrou表示,「水下博物館物僅是一場視覺的體驗,更能讓我們見證生態系統動態的發展。這個計畫不僅展現了藝術與環境互動的可能,更加入了時間的維度,提升了作品的層次。我也確信透過這件作品,能讓人們與海洋環境更靠近,並開啟海洋生態係保育的對話。」
“I firmly believe that Jason’s 93 artworks will be a haven for many sea creatures and will contribute to the development of biodiversity in the area,” describes Marine Argyrou, director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research. “The underwater museum will be a living visual and ecological experience, with works of art interacting with nature and evolving over time and I’m certain it will bring people closer to the marine environment and the conservation and protection of our marine ecosystem.”
藝術家Jason deCaires Taylor談及此次計劃的podcast⬇️https://open.spotify.com/episode/3faKJCwu4r1vVja2pIIpCr
藝術家Jason deCaires Taylor水下博物館官方網站:https://www.underwatersculpture.com/
Word: Samantha Pires
Photo: © MUSAN / @JasondeCairesTaylor
Source: My Modern Met