冰島原生的自然蒼茫 藝術家共享的神秘氣質
。狄卡皮歐、西洋棋與北極熊 Dicaprio, chess and polar bear 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 100 x 100cm / 39.4 x 39.4inches
Compared with Northern Europe, people are more familiar with the history of modern and contemporary art in Europe. Based on this situation, Icelandic artists still build its own unique style and Thordis Adalsteinsdottir is one of most important contemporary artist with no doubt.
。有著塵蟎的李奧納多・狄卡皮歐 Leonardo dicaprio with dustmite 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 100 x 70cm / 39.4 x 27.6inches
。拿著蠟燭的男孩 Boy with wax candle 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 80 x 70cm / 31.5 x 27.6inches
索迪絲的作品讓人聯想到冰島的寒冷空氣和寬闊地理,常只見一人與動物,各個眼神怪奇、關節扭曲、肢體誇張。評論者說她的人物姿態如同奧地利藝術家埃貢・席勒(Egon Schiele),飽富生命必然的憂傷跟必須的倔強,存於看似隨時要崩塌的寧靜空間中。這是來自索迪絲欲破壞觀眾對空間結實印象的意圖,並將具象的敘事超現實化,體現角色更深層的內心時空。
It is easy to connect Thordis’s works with the meteorology and geography in Iceland. The figures in her painting are all have a strange expression in eyes and bodies, so some critic said that Egon Schiele has an influence in her paintings. Thordis makes an attempt to destroy the impression of formal spatial perception in order to incarnate the inside space-time of human beings.
。艾莉西雅 Alicia 2012 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 76 x 76cm / 30 x 30 inches
。可愛貓之畫 cute cat painting 2016 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 70 x 70cm / 27.5 x 27.5 inches
。洗衣或是洗碗 If not the laundry then the dishes 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 100 x 70cm / 39.4 x 27.6inches
冰島的視覺藝術歷史不長,首獲國際名聲的冰島藝術家 Ásgrímur Jónsson 描繪冰島的山脈稜角與民間傳說。而現為人所知的藝術家作品如 Olafur Eliasson 的河床、Katrín Sigurdardóttir 的高空、Ragnar Kjartansson 的繪畫等,皆述說著冰島那冷冽蒼茫的山峰、無際遙闊的杉原,冰封百年的川河及寓言啟示般的動物人像,吐納著那令人沈淪的神秘與美麗,恆久紀錄貫穿當地藝術的風景。
Iceland has short history in visual art. Artists such as Ásgrímur Jónsson, Olafur Eliasson, Katrín Sigurdardóttir, and Ragnar Kjartansson all depict the nature landscape in Iceland. Boundless mountain peaks, vast forests, and century-exist glaciers…consist the breathtaking view of Icelandic nature and art.
。熱瑜珈時的自畫像 Hot yoga self portrait 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 100 x 80cm / 39.4 x 31.5inches
。足印 Feet and footsteps 2012 壓克力與畫布 Acrylic on canvas 76 x 76cm / 30 x 30 inches