日本建築事務所Hiroyuki Ogawa Architects提出了對於開放式空間的新詮釋,透過精湛的室內設計工法,開發將極簡空間的潛力。位於寸土寸金的東京涉谷市中心的高層大樓中,精緻小巧的《涉谷公寓402》為繁忙的都市生活提供了一座放鬆的綠洲。
Maximizing the potential of minimal space, Tokyo-based Hiroyuki Ogawa Architects unveil an elegant approach to open-plan living. Situated in a multistory building, a stone’s throw from the bustling Shibuya center, the tiny Tokyo apartment offers an escape from the chaos of city life.
由於房價的飛速成長,建築師們面臨的最大挑戰,即是如何在11坪的小坪數房屋中找到美學性與功能的平衡,打造出充滿新意的機能型極簡宅。Hiroyuki Ogawa Architects回歸本質的探討,擷取出空間最核心的元素並加以昇華,最終完成了一件無暇的一體之作。
Due to the strain of the contemporary housing crisis, architects are challenged with the task of ensuring pleasing aesthetics and innovative functionality in increasingly smaller spaces. Tasked with renovating a 34-square meter apartment, Hiroyuki Ogawa Architects have carefully considered each element, resulting in a seamless aesthetic which unites the entirety of the home.
A delicate monotone palette runs throughout the apartment, heightening the intensity of light which pours in through the large window panels and fills the room’s high ceilings. On one side of the apartment sits the master bathroom, kitchen and half bathroom. The other side consists of a large-scale living space which could act as a bedroom, living space, or dining area. Wooden panels maximize the possibilities of the apartment, transforming the open plan nature of the ‘Living Bathroom’ — as defined by the architects, to a private space, which can be partially or fully withdrawn from the adjacent area. Above the master bathroom and kitchen sits a mezzanine, acting as a loft space to further maximize functionality of the small space. The serene ambiance of the Shibuya Apartment 402 is a welcome contrast to the fast-paced world that awaits outside.
Images: Kaku Ohtaki
Words: Alice Harrison
Source: Ignant