荷蘭麥肯諾建築事務所 Mecanoo-荷蘭Villa BW

The naturally sloping landscape embraces Villa BW, with a building volume characterised by a double-curved roof coupled with an unmistakable expression of the façade. The twisting roof is created as a result of two overlapping shapes. A gable roof is designed on the dune-side, also characteristic of the street scene on the Oorsprongweg. In contrast, a horizontal roofline is designed for the polder-side.

The villa is constructed over three floors, with an additional level within the hood of the roof. Due to the natural course of the terrain and the replenishment of an embankment as a continuation of the dune landscape, the ground floor and basement level at -1 have a direct relationship with the surroundings. Facing southeast the connection with the landscape alongside the sloped garden is enhanced by enclosing two voids with a curtain wall system.

The strong connection between the landscape and the house translates into the expression of the façade and roof cladding with the application of a single natural material, expressed through a custom ceramic tile covering that wraps the entire building. This customised multicoloured glazed tile cladding represents the transitions in the landscape, from dune landscape to polder, and the soil layers, from light to dark.

In the interior, all living spaces are organised around the curtain wall-enclosed voids and an enclosed wood-cladded core. The curtain wall provides transparency and daylight down to the basement levels. The enclosed element-feature of the interior from the basement to the hood of the building accommodates supporting functions. The interior design is completed by beautifully framed views of the surrounding countryside, utilising wooden frames passing through the traditional tile work.

The monolithic presence of the building volume is accentuated through the sloping roof surfaces and exterior walls. These are covered with tiles of the same continuous material – multicoloured glazed ceramic tiles.
Colour use is consistent with the shades of the environment, ensuring that the villa is absorbed in the changing terrain. The dune and polder landscape in various seasons is mirrored in the design’s colour spectrum consisting of 5 shades of grey, green and blue. The glaze of the tiles is vibrant, glossy and has an iridescent effect, creating a pearlescent appearance on the tiles, also influencing the incidence of light on the appearance of the façade and roof.

Villa BW 被自然傾斜的景觀所環繞,其建築特徵為雙曲線屋頂和明顯的立面表達。屋頂的扭曲形狀由兩個重疊的元素構成,沙丘一側設計成山形屋頂,展現 Oorsprongweg 的街景特色;而圩田一側則以水平屋頂線為主。

別墅分為三層,並在屋頂下設有一層地下室。因應地形的自然走向,加上沙丘景觀延續的路堤,-1 層的底層和地下室與周圍環境緊密相連。面向東南的部分透過幕牆系統封閉兩個空隙,進一步增強與傾斜花園景觀的連結。




本作品榮獲:2023 美國未來房屋設計獎 Future House Award 私宅 Private Homes 類別 Winner 優勝獎







國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)
