西班牙安德魯世界大賽 協助代辦報名
西班牙安德魯世界大賽Andreu World專注在手工,深信我們的理念、對細節的關注、卓越和出色的設計是繼續成為我們現在和未來的人的根本指南。
Andreu World的核心是木材,沒有別的材料具有獨特,溫暖和高貴的特色。 木工本身就是一種哲學,它是一種與世界聯繫的方式。 隨著時間的流逝,我們一直試圖在我們的所有設計中保持這些品質,無論採用何種材料和技術。 木材在我們的工作中是木工的代名詞,我們保留了經過多年經驗學習過手工藝的專家之手。
Andreu World has grown and evolved convinced that our philosophy, attention to detail, excellence and good design, is the fundamental guide to continue being who we are now and in the future.
At the core of Andreu World is wood, there is no other material as unique, warm and noble. Woodworking is a philosophy unto itself, it is a way of relating to the world. Over time we have sought to maintain these qualities in all of our designs, regardless of the materials and technology employed. Wood, in our work, is synonymous with the woodworker, we have retained the same expert hands that have learned their craft over years of experience.
To explain what are we and how we carry ourselves, we continue to believe in the principles and values that have brought us to where we are today…
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