藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》

利用大量生產的工業原料,活躍於紐約的韓裔藝術家 Sui Park 創造出立體又生動的黑色物體,彷彿一群迷失方向的魚群,在空間中逡巡著,並藉此反映出人類生活的連續性以及群體之間個體的動能。
With the use of mass-produced industrial materials, New-York-based artist Sui Park creates three dimensional organic forms that reflect the continuous and dynamic character of human life.

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

Giving her sculptures generic and biomorphic shapes, the artist speaks about the subtle yet perpetual transitions in nature, but also in our emotions, sentiments, memories and expectations.

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

Park表示:「我想要藉由這些形狀來表達,不斷變化的生活中那些看似靜態但實則動態的特徵。」藝術家將這些由釣魚線或束線帶所構成的形體集結,並將之命名為《流(The Flow)》。這些簡易的材質既脆弱又廉價,但經過藝術家的巧手編織後,這些形體們轉化成結實、耐久視覺作品,捕捉了生命中某些重要的片段,並激發觀者的想像與情感。
“Through these shapes I attempt to express seemingly static yet dynamic characteristics of our evolving lives,” says Park. The forms collected in a series called the ‘Flow’ are made with materials such as Monofilament or Cable Ties, which make them non-durable, disposable and inexpensive. However, the artist weaves them and connects different parts, transforming them into long-lasting visualizations that evoke and encapsulate particular important moments in life.

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|迷失的群,流轉不息的自然——Sui Park《流》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


Images: Sui Park
Word: Monika Mróz
Source: Ignant