空間設計|重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌

巴西設計事務所Alva設計了一系列的新傢俱,其中最特別的就是一款桌面上挖有凹槽並鋪上了藍色的回收磁磚的桌子,看上去就像是在桌面上放了一座游泳池。Alva將該系列命名為「Piscinas」,也就是葡萄牙語中的游泳池。這系列由五件設計作品組成,分別是:Fundo Azul、Piscina Azul、Rampa Cinza、Raso Rosa和Quadrado Amarelo。每一件設計都有部分或全部覆蓋在回收磁磚之下,這些磁磚是設計師們在巴西的「磁磚公墓」找到並重新加工。
Brazilian design studio Alva has created tables with cut outs covered in recycled blue tiles to look like the basin of swimming pools. Aptly called Piscinas, which translates as swimming pools from Portuguese, the collection is composed of five designs that can function as tables or seats. They are called Fundo Azul, Piscina Azul, Rampa Cinza, Raso Rosa and Quadrado Amarelo. Each is either partially or entirely covered in used tiles that the studio found in places they said are known in Brazil as a “tiles cemetery” to give the pool-like effect.

空間設計|重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

其中兩張桌子,Fundo Azul和Piscina Azul在桌面上都有泳池狀的凹槽,Fundo Azul有著木質的桌面和鋪了磁磚的「水池」,而Piscina Azul則是整張都佈滿了磁磚,而它的凹槽則更像是帶領你走進水池的階梯。
Two of the tables, Fundo Azul and Piscina Azul, also have rectangular cutouts like the shape of a pool. Fundo Azul has a wooden top offsetting an indent covered in blue tiles, while Piscina Azul is all blue and has a stepped cut out.

空間設計|重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

其他的設計款式則是有著展開的Z字型輪廓,上下平行的兩個平面由一個平緩的坡面相接,再加上金屬的桌腳,像極了放在池畔供人享受日光浴的躺椅。尺寸較大且由藍色磁磚覆蓋的是Rampa Cinza,而由較小的米白色則是Raso Rosa。系列中的最後一個設計——Quadrado Amarelo——是一個淺黃色磁磚桌面的小邊桌。
Other tables in the series have a Z-shaped profile formed of two flat tops set at different levels on steel legs and a sloped middle. Rampa Cinza is larger and longer and covered in blue tiles while Raso Rosa is a shorter version covered in off-white tiles. The final design, Quadrado Amarelo, is a small side table with a yellow tile top.

空間設計|重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

“We investigate the possibility of stripping furniture of its normal significance, abolishing unique truths and restoring the powers of imagination,” Alva said. “Objectivity and subjectivity can coexist, bringing new ways for the user or observer of exploring the object and making room for memory activation.”

空間設計|重新定義傢俱的可能——Alva Studio的泳池長桌|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Designers: Marcelo Alvarenga e Susana Bastos | Collaboration: Juliana Barros | Executors: Art Fer, Heli, Edmilson.

Word: Eleanor Gibson
Source: Dezeen