

馬約卡島,位於西班牙巴利阿里群島,位在地中海,享受著南歐的溫暖與乾燥。當地建築事務所Mar Plus Ask在此打造了一座遠離人煙的世外桃源,由兩處居所組成,並成功的與當地的巨石及橄欖樹融為一體,稱作《橄欖樹屋》。
In Mallorca, one of Spain’s Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, local firm Mar Plus Ask  has created a small, off-grid retreat from two separate dwellings that were designed around large boulders and olive trees, called ‘The Olive Houses’.

空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Located high up in Mallorca’s Tramuntana mountains, ‘The Olive Houses’ were created with minimal intervention to the rocky plot of land. The retreat comprises a Pink House and a Purple House—the pink accommodates the sleeping quarters, while the purple features the kitchen area and the restroom, built from a former tool shed with stone walls. “The stone terrace walls and gentle trimming of the olive trees are the sole sign of human intervention in this beautiful example of Mallorquin landscape,” the firm explains. Beside the Pink House, an open shower uses rain water collected and filtered on the roof and illuminated naturally with a skylight. The walls, floor, and ceiling of this space were rendered in blush-pink stucco, as the studio felt the color works well with the pale green shade found on an olive tree leaf. On the side of the house, there’s also a large sink, which is formed from the rock. The houses are powered only by solar panels and the water comes from the water spring on the plot.

空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一場與自然的微醺對話:西班牙馬約卡的《橄欖樹屋》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


Design: Mar Plus Ask
Word: Ignant
Photography: Piet-Albert Goethals
Source: Ignant