空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利 Atelier Klostergasse

奧地利建築師Bernardo Bader 為自己的建築師事務所設計了一棟全新的房子,取名《Atelier Klostergasse》。這個水泥幾何外觀的房子看起來像是從不同世界走出的建築,板岩色的外觀和直線形狀的與其周圍的建築物行程非常鮮明的對比。

Austrian architect  Bernardo Bader  has designed a new home and studio for his eponymous firm’s practice titled ‘Atelier Klostergasse’. The geometric form of the concrete building looks as if it has emerged from a different realm of architecture; its slate-colored exterior and rectilinear shape stand in stark contrast to its surroundings.

空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

座落在奧地利布雷根茨的波登湖附近,這棟苗條的建築包含了四層樓。每層樓的空間都被平均分配且設有大窗戶。各樓層窗戶設在不同的位置,為室內提供不同的日照及景觀。透過保留深色的水泥原色,以及刻意留白不做任何處理的粗糙表面,或者是完整的使用木板包覆的牆面,設計師Bader希望能讓這些表面充滿活力,象徵著「建築」的過程,以及這種材料的原始力量,並藉此展現了空間的可塑及潛力。目前Bernardo Bader 事務所共使用了一、二層樓作為辦公空間,而上面兩層則被分為三間個出租公寓。

Located nearby Lake Constance in the city of Bregenz in Austria, the slender structure comprises four floors that are stacked on top of one another. The spaces are organized across all floors with precisely equal proportions, but with large windows that vary in placement, to provide differing views and positions of sunlight. “The dark-stained concrete reveals its full sculptural and atmospheric potential with this project,” explains Bader. “Both skillfully planked and left untreated, vibrant surfaces symbolize the work process and the primal power of this material.” Bernardo Bader Architekten currently uses the two lower floors, while the floors above are divided into three rental apartments.

空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


Indoor features include naturally limed spruce wood and fittings made of raw steel, which give the living and studio spaces an industrial yet characterful atmosphere. “The surface structures and their tactile quality infuse the individual studio and living spaces with their unique ambiance,” concludes Bader.

空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|一支獨秀的水泥盒子:奧地利Atelier Klostergasse|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


Desigenr: Bernardo Bader Architekten

Photography: Adolf Bereuter

Words: Stephanie Wade

Source: Ignant
